Student Name:

ex. Ms. Echols

In school mentor’s name:

ex. Ms. Hull

Out-of-school mentor’s name and affiliation:

ex. Ms. Williams, The Clay Studio

Topic Summary:

Ex.: The goal of this project was to develop a deeper understanding of the techniques of ceramics as well as to meld together artistic and practical techniques to create practical yet beautiful ceramic lamps.

Project Abstract:

Ex.: The initial inspiration behind this project was a decade-long love of ceramics and the immense range of skills and knowledge encompassed by this art form. Although I have been doing ceramics since high school, this was the first time where I decided to undertake a multi-month long project. This not only required me to develop new skills in the ceramic arts (referred to, in this case, as “throwing”) in order to develop lamp-like forms that could be turned into a functional piece, but also to learn about the underlying circuity of a lamp in order to create functional pieces. I worked with a professional artist at The Clay Studio to learn more about the process of creating a lamp form that I would actually be able to wire effectively but conducted most of the research about circuitry independently. As a result of this project, I was able to refine my technique at all stages of the ceramic process and gain a greater understanding of the thoughtful and meticulous nature of such large-scale projects. I hope to continue this work both as an independent artist creating beautiful pieces for friends and by sharing what I learned with the Ceramics classes at SLA.