It's that time of year again, time to get your home tip top for Spring and what better way to do it than with this wonderful package. It includes 4 hours of housecleaning services from Housekeeping Express, carpet cleaning for your home from Atiyeh Bros and a iRobot Roomba 900 Series Vacuum to keep your floors clean while you sit back and relax and let everyone else.....even the vacuum do the work for you. We will even throw in a couple bottles of wine and gift cards from Westraunt concepts home of (Dickie Jo's Burgers, Mucho Gusto Mexican Kitchen, Dickie Yo's Frozen Treats and Bill & Tim's Barbecue) so you don't have to cook either!

Thanks to iRobot, Housekeeping Express, Westraunt Concepts, Atiyeh Bros and the Science Factory Board of Directors