DSST: MTV Future Success


We hope that you will find this site yourself for all your post-secondary needs! The main purpose of this website is to inform and provide guidance on your journey through and beyond high school so you can be well-informed and prepared for those next steps. This website is suitable for all grade levels, so you don't have to be a senior to use it!

For 12th grade students and their families, this site is a one-stop shop as they navigate the post-secondary admissions and financial aid process. You can find information on completing your college applications, important deadlines, finding scholarships, filing for financial aid, and so much more using the tabs on the sidebar.

Don't forget to check out our student newsletter for various resources, opportunities, and more! And of course, reach out to your college counselor for any and all questions!

Calendar - Am I On Track?

Use the timeline below to stay on track towards your college goals, month by month - including key dates, deadlines, and events!

MTV College Success Timeline: 2021 - 2022

MTV College Success Timeline
12th Grade MTV Team Calendar 21-22