US History 1

Course Syllabus

Professional Statement

I have been a special education teacher for almost 20 years and my main goal every year is to help my students in any way I can. All I ask of my students is to take my course seriously, come to school with a good attitude and ready to learn. If a student or parent has any questions or concerns please just ask. I cannot help if I don’t know what the issue is. My contact information is listed below. Please feel free to email or call me.


Grades will be based on a point system. You will earn points on test, quizzes, projects, homework and in class assignments. The points earned will be divided by the total possible points to give you your percentage. Total points will be weighted heavily on homework, projects and in class assignments.

Assignments are expected to be completed on time. If you need extended time to complete, please talk to me prior to the due date and we will work out a time frame for completion.

Basic Course Rules/Expectations

  1. Be respectful
  2. Be on time
  3. Have all you course materials(book/notebook/Chromebook/pencil)
  4. Be prepared to work

Course Overview:

  1. We will be studying about the United States History from Discovery of the Americas (1492) to the Industrial Revolution (1914).
  2. This a US History course and we will explore the following topics.
    1. Discovery
    2. 13 Colonies and their development
    3. Beginnings of the American Identity
    4. The American Revolution
    5. The Constitution and the New Republic
    6. the Jeferson Era
    7. Growth of a Nation
    8. The Jacksonian Era
    9. Manifest Destiny
    10. A Spirit of Change
    11. The Civil War
    12. Reconstruction
    13. Growth in the West
    14. Industrial Revolution
    15. Immigration

Contact information

(610) 916 - 5506