Axis 360

First: Download the new handy dandy Axis 360 app from the App Portal.

Second: Open the app.

The first time you open it, you’ll need to set it up. Search for the library “Schuyler“. Then choose Schuyler Central High School.

Log in with Google Single Sign On OR with Follett Destiny Sign On.

The first time you log in, you answer a bunch of other questions too so you can secure your account.

Search for any book you want and check out. The app downloads the book right away.

To start reading, go to “My Stuff” and click on the book cover.

You can return books early if you need to. The great thing is that you can recheck a book out and your app remembers how far you were in the book (like a digital bookmark).

If you have any trouble, let me know! You can come into the library or email me.