DotCom Therapy

DotCom Therapy is the leading, therapist-founded teletherapy company offering the highest-quality face-to-face, online therapy services for speech therapy, occupational therapy, mental health counseling, educational audiology, and school psychology.

For almost three years, DotCom Therapy has been providing the following types of therapy to School Union 93 students and staff:

  • Speech Therapy: Assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social, cognitive, and swallowing disorders.

  • School Psychology: Identify, diagnose, and treat students with learning disabilities, mental disorders, and other behavioral cognitive or emotional problems.

  • Occupational Therapy: Conduct evaluations, develop goals, consult with school staff, make recommendations, and provide therapy targeting fine motor skills, sensory functioning, executive functioning, visual motor skills, and activities of daily living.

  • Professional Development: Equip educators and individuals to support all people in the areas of communication, fine motor, mental wellness, and sensory processing + promote inclusion of all people into educational systems and communities. DotCom Therapy provides individualized training and support programs to educate and equip individuals to promote this change in their own communities.

  • Counseling: Treat mental health issues, provide crisis intervention, and lead behavioral educational initiatives through trauma-informed, evidence-based care.

Meet our DotCom Therapy Providers:

Sarah has been a School Psychologist since 2004. She expanded her work to include consultation, evaluation, and advocacy as an independent practitioner in 2011. She has also taught courses in assessment and child development in higher education since 2016. She is currently completing her Ph.D. program in School Psychology at Temple University. She lives near Philadelphia with her husband, two children, and her dog, Ripley.