Special Services

Welcome to School Union 93 Special Services!

The reason we call it Special Services...

Our Union-wide Special Education team is committed to working collaboratively with you--and the school community--for your child. Special Services encompasses both Special Education and Section 504 support for our students. That is to say, support is provided to students with disabilities in both Special Education and Regular Education programming.  When you visit the FORMS link, you will find pertinent information related to eligibility for both branches of Special Services.

When we think of Special Services, we think of it as responsible inclusion and tend to use the terms interchangeably. Our goal is to provide best practices in diversity and inclusion.  We believe this will lead to innovative programming that is fine-tuned for each student. Our decision-making process is student-centered, i.e. the student is at the center of each decision made in IEP team meetings.  Our responsibility is to provide a collaborative and sound stewardship to your child,  spanning from now, to high school and beyond. 

Please reach out to us with any questions you may have, first by contacting your child’s Case Manager, and secondly by including your administrators. We look forward to working with you and your child!

Blue Hill Special Education Staff Brooksville Special Education Staff Castine Special Education Staff

Penobscot Special Education Staff Surry Special Education Staff

How We're Adapting in School Year 2023-2024

In-Person Learning is the venue where teachers and students interact in real-time, at school, during learning activities. Special Services are noted on the Service Delivery Grid page of the student’s IEP. 

Remote Learning ..is a web-based venue that provides all the digital aspects of learning. Presented activities and interactions are in line with the structure of the curriculum and assessment for the students’ grade level. This venue will present opportunities for both synchronous and asynchronous learning (i.e., synchronous is in real-time with direct teacher interaction, and asynchronous is the incorporation of uploaded materials for the student to view at his/her own pace and time). As a contingency plan, students in fully remote learning will have an Individual Remote Learning Plan (IRLP). This plan is typically discussed between Case Manager and parents prior to adding it to the student’s IEP. **Note, this is part of a student's IEP and not available or appropriate for all students and situations.**

Hybrid Learning is a venue that offers a combination of online educational materials and opportunities with traditional classroom-based methods. The student has some control over time, place, and pace. Hybrid/Blended learning requires both teacher and student to be interacting across the learning activities. In this venue, students’ location for support would be noted on the Service Delivery Grid page of his/her IEP.  **Note, this is part of a student's IEP and not available or appropriate for all students and situations.**

Our Special Services Staff

Sheila Irvine, Director of Special Services
School Union #93 Administrative Office
(207) 374-9927  |  Email: sirvine@schoolunion93.org

Susan Duddy, Special Services Administrative Secretary
School Union #93 Administrative Office
(207) 374-9927  |  Email: sduddy@schoolunion93.org

Amy Billings,  Special Services Administrative Assistant
School Union #93 Administrative Office
(207) 374-9927 | Email: abillings@schoolunion93.org

Kelly Ronco, Speech Pathologist
Brooksville, Castine, Penobscot, and Surry Schools

A speech-language pathologist (SLP) works with students on their ability to communicate effectively with peers and adults whether that be due to issues with articulation, fluency, voice, language, or social communication. Fun fact, SLPs also work with students who have swallowing difficulties. As a speech-language pathologist, I hope to teach students skills and strategies to improve their interactions with others and their ability to learn in the classroom. I love seeing the progress my students make and being able to celebrate those accomplishments with them.

Kristan Lewis, Occupational Therapy
Blue Hill, Brooksville, Castine, Penobscot, and Surry Schools

In the school setting Occupational Therapists focus on fine motor development, visual motor skills, bilateral coordination, executive functioning, sensory processing/self-regulation skills, social participation, self-care skills, and life/work transition skills. Occupational Therapists work on a student’s goals through meaningful activities.  For example, a student may need to develop visual motor skills for improved reading and writing. In OT we accomplish this through scooter board activities, ball games, stringing beads, or mazes. As an OT, I want every child to go home feeling accomplished and inspired to come to school the next day. Watching a child learn a new skill and grow through a task they connect with, makes every day at school exciting!

Katelyn Cyr, Physical Therapy
Blue Hill, Brooksville, Castine, Penobscot, and Surry Schools

Katie grew up in Hampden, Maine. She got her doctorate in physical therapy from Husson University in 2018. She has worked in many different physical therapy fields but enjoys pediatrics and working with kids in schools the most. In her spare time, she likes spending time with her husband and their two dogs, Jack and Lily.