grades 10-12

gxn-jahu-koc (2021-03-08 at 09:51 GMT-8)

Grades 10-12 scheduling

Click on the image to the left to view a presentation featuring WHS School Counselors, Mrs. Asselin & Ms. Healy. This scheduling presentation was shown to students on March 23 (Grade 9 in US History 1, Grades 10 & 11 in ELA) and provides a general overview of Westfield High School course offerings and graduation requirements for the 2021-2022 academic school year.

Program of Studies SY 2021-22 (2).pdf

WHS Program of Studies

Click the image to the left to learn more about all of the course offerings at WHS in the 2021-2022 program of studies.

scheduling video 9 take 5.mp4

Grades 9 & 10

Scheduling video 11 and 12.mp4

Grades 11-12

How to input course requests into powerschool

Click on the video to the left (top Grade 10, Bottom Grades 11-12) featuring Ms. Stopa, WHS School Counselor. She will provide a step by step tutorial on how to input your course requests into PowerSchool.

Book a scheduling appointment with your School counselor

School counselors will be available for appointments with current students in grades 9-11 to meet individually to discuss their schedules from March 23- April 1. Click on the image to your left to schedule an appointment with your counselor.

Are you a sophomore and interested in the Biomedical career field? Click on the image to the left to learn more about the Biomedical Pathway at WHS.

If you are interested in participating, fill out the Student Application by completing this Google Form!