
tdk-xufi-zud (2021-03-05 at 07:55 GMT-8)

overview of Business Courses

Click on the image to the left to view a video featuring WHS Business teacher, Mrs. Stratton. You will learn about the elective courses she teaches within the Business Department.

Career Center Internships video.mp4

overview of Career Electives

Click on the image to the left to view a video featuring WHS Career Center Specialist, Mr. Badiab. You will learn about Career Center Services and internship opportunities at WHS.

preschool advertisement for 8th grade students

Child development & Preschool

Click on the image to the left to view a video featuring WHS Family Consumer Science teachers, Mrs. Auclair and Mrs. Hodavancec, a current student, and our preschool students! You will learn about the Child Development/Preschool sequence at WHS.


Culinary Arts and hospitality & tourism

Click on the image to the left to view a video featuring WHS Culinary Arts teacher, Ms. Nesmelova, and a current student. They will provide information about Culinary Arts 1 & 2, and Hospitality and Tourism. You will get to see the kitchens and learn about some of the recipes you may create in the class!

aka-jkom-rmt (2021-03-09 at 10:35 GMT-8)

Dual enrollment

Click on the image to the left to view a video featuring WHS Early College Access Counselor, Mrs. Bean. She will provide information about Dual Enrollment opportunities at local two and four-year colleges.

Instructional Tech Electives_ Mar 6, 2021 8_48 AM.mp4

overview of Instructional technology Courses

Click on the image to the left to view a video featuring WHS Instructional Technology teacher, Mrs. Whitaker. You will learn about the elective courses she teaches within the Technology and Engineering Department.