Shifting the VIbe!

Strengthening Core Instruction through Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CRSE)

Series Overview

In this series 3-part series, you will:

Introduction: Reconnecting to your "Why"

Given the unprecedented challenges students, families, educators, and schools are facing coming out of a global pandemic, racial justice uprising, and shifts to blended learning, it is more important than ever that we reconnect with and remain grounded in our "why." 

Take a few minutes to watch the video "Know Your Why" from Michael Jr. The video is also available here. As you watch, jot down your reflections: 

Now, take a minute to watch this video from Dr. Chris Emdin. The video is also available here. After you do, take a moment to reflect:

How is your “why” nurturing the brilliance of students? 

Now, let's take a dive into the "what" of culturally responsive-sustaining education. As we dive in, keep your "why" front and center, and draw connections between your why and the why of CRSE.