P.S. 46
Library Media Center
A Robinhood Library
The mission at P.S. 46 Library Media Center is to inspire life long learners who are effective users of technology and information.
The mission at P.S. 46 Library Media Center is to inspire life long learners who are effective users of technology and information.
The PS 46X library is committed to fostering an environment of understanding and respect for all. We believe in having an inclusive, welcoming and respectful place that appreciates and supports individual differences. We support this idea by providing reader's with a diverse collection of books.
The PS 46X library is committed to fostering an environment of understanding and respect for all. We believe in having an inclusive, welcoming and respectful place that appreciates and supports individual differences. We support this idea by providing reader's with a diverse collection of books.
Kimberly Hamburg- Teacher Librarian
Kimberly Hamburg- Teacher Librarian
Vergy Torres- Library Paraprofessional
Vergy Torres- Library Paraprofessional
Virtual Office Hours
Monday-Friday 1:30-2:30
email: khamburg2@ps46x.org