"B-Green Or B-Gone!"

Mrs. Karleen Adam-Comrie, Principal Mr. Arthur Polosino, Head Custodian


The IS 109 Green Team is comprised of students in grades 6-8 who pledge to raise awareness in our school and local community about waste issues. This year we are focusing on plastic, food and fabric waste.

31% of food is wasted in schools on a daily basis.

38-45% of people in our community waste food.

54-69% of food that is thrown out is because it spoiled.

If plastic consumption increases at its current rate, according to National Geographic, by 2050 there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic in landfills.

18% of students and 22% of teachers have mostly recyclables in their trash.

Approximately 45-54% of people in our community use donation bins.

33-35% of people in our community either buy or receive new clothes every season.

29-36% of people in our community receive new clothes at holidays.

What We Have Done

Survey Results 122120 s
Green Team Waste Survey Results 2020
Cafeteria Grant Project 22821.mp4
Cafeteria Grant Project 2021
IS109Q Cafeteria Murals s
Copy of Completed Cafeteria Murals 040621 s

What can you do