Room Interior in 1-Point Perspective

1. Project Goals (Mar 13)



• Use 1-Perspective to create the illusion of 3D Space and Form in a room interior image

• Use advanced Photoshop skills to create and edit image layers

2. Looking Ahead 

If you want to do a room interior for your final project, you can use the file you are making here. Or you can make a new one later

3. Learn About 1 Point Perspective (March 13)

5 components of 1-Point Perspective 

4. Horizontal Set Up File  (Mar 13)

1. Load Photoshop

2. File > New.

3. In the NEW DOCUMENT window, choose PRINT and then TABLOID (11" x 17")

4. In the PRESET DETAILS choose the orientation you want for your room (see left)

5. Again, in the preset details, name your file: "Room Interior" followed by a space, your last name and then your first.

Example: Room Interior Hooker Martina

6. Save your file onto your computer

5. Add 3 Vertical Guides  (Mar 13)

Use the VIEW MENU to show RULERS

2. Click and drag on the vertical ruler to add 3 vertical guides to define the left and right edges of your back wall and the vanishing point.


• Use the same guide placement as shown left OR

• Place guides  as you wish for a different effect,

6. Add a Horizontal Guide for Horizon Line (Mar 13)

7. Lock Your Guides (Mar 13)

1. Go to the View Menu to find the LOCK GUIDES option

8. Draw a Rectangle Guide for Back Wall (Mar 13)

You will use the rectangle as a guide for placing a back wall texture layer.  Because the rectangle is not a real guide, like the one ones you added with the rulers, you will have to hide the rectangle later so it won't show in your artwork.

1. Select the RECTANGLE TOOL and  in the OPTIONS BAR, set the FILL to NONE, the STROKE to BLACK, and 10PX for the stroke weight. (see above)

2. Use the Rectangle Tool to draw a BACK WALL guide and scale it so the left and right sides touch the vertical guides as shown left.

9. Draw 4 Diagonal Guides (Mar 13)

1. Use the line tool to draw 4 diagonal lines.

2. Make sure your diagonal lines connect to the vanishing point.

3. Make sure your guides intersect the corners of the back wall.  (See red arrow)

4. Merge the 5 Shape layers into one layer

10. Texture Tiling (Mar 14)

Complete Texture Tiling Exercise for Mar 14 DEQ


1...Tile and merge small texture / patterns in order to maintain image quality

11. Copy & Paste a Texture/Pattern to Tile for your Floor (Mar 15)

2. Copy and Paste a Texture or Pattern for The Floor .

3. Feel free to explore different options

4. Choose just one to use for the floor

12. Tile to Make a Large Floor Layer (Mar 15)

13. Transform to Diagonal Guides (Mar 15 & 16)

1. Use the following 2 Transform options until you get the floor texture/pattern to line up properly to the diagonal lines.

• Transform > Perspective (Corner Tabs)

In the EDIT MENU. For best results, only click on corner tabs with the Perspective Option

• Transform > Distort (Middle Tabs)

IN THE EDIT MENU. For best results, only click on center tabs with the Distort option

It's ok if the layer is outside the canvas - do it so it looks right

14. Side Walls (Mar 17)

1. Find a pattern or texture for your walls

PATTERN IDEAS: Fleur De Lis • Stripes • Argyle • Gingham • Madras

TEXTURE IDEAS: Marble • Wood Paneling • Concrete • Glass Brick

15. Tile and Merge if Needed (Mar 17)

Tile & merge if needed to make your texture/pattern layer extra large like you did for the floor.

16. Transform to Guides (Mar 17)

1. Use the following 2 Transform options until you get the wall texture/pattern to line up properly to the diagonal lines.

• Transform > Perspective (Corner Tabs)

In the EDIT MENU. For best results, only click on corner tabs with the Perspective Option

• Transform > Distort (Middle Tabs)

IN THE EDIT MENU. For best results, only click on center tabs with the Distort option

It's ok if the layer is outside the canvas - do it so it looks right

17. Duplicate Side Wall & Flip (Mar 17)

1. Option Drag your side wall to make a copy of it.

2. Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.

3. Position as needed

18.  Create Back Wall & Ceiling Layer Paint, Texture or Pattern (Mar 21)

1. Create a NEW LAYER and name it "Back Wall" or "Ceiling" Etc.

2. Create a MARCHING ANT selecting


Using painted layers is optional.  It's ok to use textures/patterns instead.

20. Find a Flat Room Detail on the Internet (Mar 24)

2. Make sure the pixel dimension  is big enough!  Remember your file is 300 DPI and it's 17" wide.  Do the math!

3. Paste it into your file and cut it out as needed.

4. Position it so the nearest edge is where you want it to be.  The nearest edge of this window is the left edge.

  • Framed artwork
  • Window
  • Door
  • Rug
  • Flat Screen TV
  • Poster
  • Mirror

21. Draw Diagonals with The Line Tool (March 24)

Diagonals should connect to the vanishing point

22. Transform Window (March 24)

2. Use the following 2 Transform options until you get the room detail diagonals properly lined up to the vanishing point.  Be sure the keep the other edges perfectly horizontal or vertical.

• Transform > Perspective (Corner Tabs)

In the EDIT MENU. For best results, only click on corner tabs with the Perspective Option

• Transform > Distort (Middle Tabs)

IN THE EDIT MENU. For best results, only click on center tabs with the Distort option

23. Repeat the Process for Second Room Detail (Mar 27)

1.  Make sure you are adding two flat details with diagonals that connect to the vanishing point.


Add extra details!  The Rubric calls for 2

See sections below

24. How to Add Round Details (Mar 27)

Cut out the round object after you transforms it!

25. How to Add More 3D Looking Objects (Mar 27)

1. If you would like to add something that has more depth to it, find an image that is already about the right angle to connect to your vanishing point.

2. Use Edit > Transform > Warp to get the diagonals to line up as best as you can

26. Make a Flattened Copy. Upload 2 Files (Mar 28)

Upload the Flat file first

Upload the layered file at the beginning of class becasue it will take a long time.

Example: Room Interior Flat Hooker Martina.psd

27. Peer Review (Mar 28)

Include a 

Peer Review

Your peer review should Include a compliment and a suggestion based on the rubric.Note: This peer review is from a different project
You do not have to be done with your work to get a peer review

28. Reflection (Mar 28)

Include a Reflection & Self-Grading

Note: This sample is for a different project

Rubric Review (Mar 29)

10 points --- FILE SET UP: Print size and resolution are correct.  Both the flat and layered files are named as directed.

10 points --- GUIDES & DIAGONAL LINES:  4 non-printing guides were correctly positioned as directed.  The line and rectangle shape tools were used as directed to  draw a back wall and diagonals for the side walls. The 5 shape layers were merged.

15 points --- TILING (IMAGE QUALITY):  At least two texture pattern layers (floor and walls) were created by NEATLY tiling and merging layers and image quality was maintained.

20 points --- ROOM TRANSFORMING:  At least 3 layers (Floor and side walls) have been neatly transformed to create diagonals.  The transforming is done so that the diagonals CORRECTLY line up to the VANISHING POINT

10 points --- BACK WALL & CEILING:  Back wall and ceiling layers were neatly created with painted layers or textures / patterns.

10 points --- 2 DETAILS QUALITY:  No art images were used for the room details, only plain photographic images.  Room details were not scaled up and were cut out neatly. 

10 points --- 2 DETAILS TRANSFORMING: Two room details were neatly transformed to create diagonals and the illusion of 3D space and form.  The diagonals connect to the vanishing point and all other edges are horizontal or vertical.

5 points ---2 FILES: There are two copies of the project; one with layers and one that is flat.  Extra points will be taken off for missing layered file.

5 points --- PEER REVIEW: is included in the Private Comments section of the GC assignment posting.

5 points --- REFLECTION and SELF-GRADING: Private comment with reflection and self-grading is included

Extra Credit

Writing Extension

1. Create a word doc and name it "Surreal Writing (Last name first name)"

2. Google and find a  painting by Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, or Frida Kahlo.  

3. Include the name, date of painting, and copy and paste the painting onto the document.  

4. Write one short paragraph about what you see in the painting; describe what's in it, placement, colors, etc.

5. Write a second short paragraph with your interpretation of the painting.  What does it mean to you?  What do you think the artist is trying to express?

6. Write a third short paragraph with research findings about the painting.  Include your source(s)

7. Upload it to the drive for extra credit :)

Salvador Dali, Sleep, 1937, Oil on Canvas

The adjective surreal comes from Surrealism, a movement that produced art that often contained irrational, disjointed images.

So, surreal describes something that's a bizarre mix of elements, often jarring and seemingly nonsensical.

Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte were two famous surrealists.  Surrealism started in Europe in 1917 and remains a strong influence to this day.

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning