My Video Rubric

Finalized 5/24/19



S. SCORE                  T. SCORE                 COMMENTS

10 points --- FILE SET UP: • File is set up correctly and named properly

10 points --- ASSET FOLDER: • Folder is named properly and contains at least 8 Assets Files • At least 3 of the assets are still images.  • Assets are well chosen images/videos that look to be part of theme.

10 points --- FILE CONVERSIONS, IMAGE SIZE and ADDING CANVAS: • Image Asset files have all been converted to JPEG's (Including AI Files) • Assets fill the canvas without loss of image quality (no scaling up) • Any empty canvas area have been dealt with in a creative and consistent way.

5 points --- CLIP DURATION: • The duration was changed from the default 5 seconds. • Each clip duration isn't too fast or too slow

5 points --- 1st ClIP for INTRO TEXT: • A clip was added to the beginning of the timeline  • The  Clip has a solid color, gradient, texture or image that  matches the look/theme of the video. • The is a good choice for a background for text.

10 points --- INTRO CLIP with ANIMATED TEXT: • There's a 2nd Video Group with animated tex that includes a Title and "by Your Name" • The animation was carefully done: it moves, is easy to read, and looks purposefully executed • The text looks carefully formatted: alignment, font style (no Myriad Pro), color, and size all look purposefully executed so that it is attractive and easy to read.

10  points --- CLIP EDITS: • Every Clip has been edited as described in  in some creative way • The editing is attractive and well done

10  points --- 3 ANIMATED CLIPS: • There are least 3 animations done in Video Group 2 (not including your intro and Ending clips) • The animation is carefully and thoughtfully done

5 points --- LAST ClIP for ENDING TEXT: • A clip was added to the beginning of the timeline  • The  Clip has a solid color, gradient, texture or image that  matches the look/theme of the video. • The is a good choice for a background for text.

10 points --- ENDING CLIP with ANIMATED TEXT: •  The last clip has animated text (The End, Thanks for Watching, Video and Art Credits • The animation was carefully done: it moves, is easy to read, and looks purposefully executed • The text looks carefully formatted: alignment, font style (no Myriad Pro), color, and size all look purposefully executed so that it is attractive, easy to read and matches the style of the video. 

10  points --- SOUND: • Sound was added • The sound is appropriate for the project • The sound is a proper length • The sound fades out at the end

5  points - RENDERING and SUBMITTING • The Video was rendered and submitted in by posted due date

??? points --- BONUS / MINUS: • There are extra clips (Bonus) •  Image proportions are distorted (Minus) • There are Video Clips (Bonus) • Missing Art/Video Credits (Minus) • Etc