Meet our team and staff

Competition Highlights (Fall 2020)

  • Olivia (1st place speaker)

  • Phoenix (2nd place speaker)

  • Vera and Phoenix (2nd place team)

  • Badis (6th place speaker)

  • Josephine and Olivia (8th place team)

  • Juliet (15th place speaker)

  • Vera (26th place speaker)

Competition Highlights (Spring 2019)

  • Emil (1st place speaker and team)

  • Siloe (1st place team)

  • Ines (5th place speaker)

  • Leon (13th place speaker)

  • Lenka (ranked speaker)

  • Isadora (ranked speaker)

Competition Highlights (Fall 2019)

  • Keller (2nd place speaker; team)

  • Leon (2nd place team)

  • Lenka (ranked speaker)

  • Isadora (ranked speaker)

  • Emil (ranked team)

  • Siloe (ranked team)

  • James (participating member)

  • Atoma (participating member)

Competition Highlights (Spring 2021)

  • Vera/Ximena (4th place speaker; team)

  • Decker/Ezra (11th place team)

  • Zohar/Oliver (22nd place team)

  • Phoenix/Juliet (38th place team)

  • Decker (1st place speaker)

  • Vera (3rd place speaker)

  • Benjamin/Clark (21st place team - 4th grade)

  • Lola/Yamina (25th place team - 4th grade)