For Families

Family Leadership Coordinator - Dayana Ibadango -

Family Support Coordinator - Corrine Mattis - 

District Office - 718-455-4635

Brooklyn North
High Schools

District Digest

Thanks to our
amazing parent coordinators for your monthly labor of LOVE

Click here
to access
an archive
all of our

Autism Acceptance Day

In partnership with Brooklyn North High Schools, Raising Orchid Kids hosted a parent workshop on Supporting Neurodivergent Teens.

Click here for recording

For more information on Raising Orchid Kids, visit their site >

Find your CEC &
CCHS Members

Click here to find the current members
of your district's CEC & the
Citywide Council on High Schools. 

Find your
Parent Coordinator

Find your school here by entering the name or DBN and click SEARCH. PC is listed in "SCHOOL CONTACTS" section.

Family & Community Engagement (FACE)

Click here for FACE Resources
Parent University offers free courses, resources, events, and activities for families. Register and enroll HERE.

Social Emotional Learning
Created by Joanna Drusin, Librarian at Brooklyn Technical High School 

Social and Emotional Learning
in the Library

Special Education Resources

Click here for more information about NYCDOE processes & support for students with IEPs

For more information & contact
Citywide Council on Special Education

BKNHS Special Education
Family Support Coordinator

For more information regarding the NYS Education Department complaint procedures: