Grades 6-8

Please click on the TITLE of the project below to view the presentation.

M.S. 936 - Arts Off 3rd

How can rescue-team workers have access to a sustainable energy source for life-saving devices? Students used the engineering design process to create a solution to this real-world problem, and developed a prototype of a human energy capturing boot.  

I.S. 201 - Dyker Heights

Creating a container that sterilizes scissors, pens, pencils or other items as such.  For use in the classroom to decrease the spread of germs from shared materials.

I.S. 259 - William McKinley

Students create a 3D prototype using cardboard and the Arduino Circuits to bring to life an animated object called Animatronics. Students incorporate the robotics, coding as well as engineering design to bring their project to life.

P.S./I.S. 30 - Mary White Ovington

Students cultured bacteria in the classroom environment and compared to bacteria cultures grown on the International Space Station. Students learned about cleanliness and prevention of spreading disease. 

J.H.S. 227 - Edward B. Shallow 

Bees are the champion pollinators! In the United States, there are over 4000 species of native bees but their numbers are dropping daily. How can we help pollinate our crops with this decrease? Follow along as our 8th grade engineers build a possible automatic solution to this major world problem! 

P.S./I.S. 180 - SEEALL Academy

Students will be using their knowledge and class lessons to research an Environmental Issue and the impacts that Humans have on the Earth's Systems. Students will be creating Hazard Mitigation Plans for Natural Hazards/Disasters.

P.S./I.S. 104 - The Fort Hamilton School

These students are part of a team of engineers given the challenge of building a system to dam up to one liter of water in a classroom trough. Not only do they need to stop the water, but they also need to develop a system that can release a little of water at a time in a controlled way. They will have to stop the water, let a little come through, and stop it again. 

P.S./ I.S. 163 - Bath Beach

This STEAM project will introduce to you PS/IS 163's Architects, Builders, Engineers, and Digital Designers who have spent countless hours designing, building, testing, and perfecting Skyscrapers that have stood tall withstanding the test of simulated Earth tremors. They will expose you to the principles of earthquake engineering and design including the importance of a solid foundation, wide base, symmetrical design, and trusses. Be prepared to be AMAZED!!!

P.S./ I.S. 192 - Magnet School for Math and Science Inquiry

Our COVID-19 creations will highlight STEAM projects that use the Engineering Design Process by solving everyday problems in our lives. Students will showcase their prototypes and models from scenarios such as "Staying Healthy" "Self Care" and "Sanitizing Stations" Students will design a plan or blueprint that displays their thought process in solving these real world problems in today's COVID world. 

P.S. 229 - Dyker 

Middle school students will design and build a prototype in Tinkercad. Student inventors will turn their 3-D design ideas into something real by creating a physical rapid prototype model using materials they have on hand or foamboard/foamcore. Student  prototypes do not need to be functional but do need to show that they understand the mechanics of their invention. 3D designed models and physical models are created to help to better understand and express the invention idea. Students will share and celebrate their prototypes by creating a product webpage or slideshow/flipgrid.