Hillside Arts & Letters Academy

A Message from Principal Raquel Nolasco

Dear HALA Arts Diploma Graduates,

Congratulations on your achievement! Your creativity and artistic talents have impressed us throughout the past four years, and you have pushed through some of the most difficult times in our city’s history to complete your requirements and earn this great distinction. We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see what you bring into the world as HALA Arts Endorsed Graduates!

Congratulations to the Recipients of the Chancellor's Arts Endorsed Diploma!

Visual Arts

Jalen Bridges

Sachorra Douglas

Daisy Gomez

Casey Maynard

Malik Stukes

Maria Vasquez

Congratulations to the 2021 Recipients of the Certificate of Advanced Achievement in Visual Arts

Stephanie Bermudez Salazar

Mithila Halder

Rifat Khan

Zoe Mcken

Gabrielle Monroe