I am SO excited to have you in my class this year! It is such a fun year full of grit, determination and tons of fun. I am looking forward to watching you make memories, grow and see who you become by the end of the year!
Upcoming and Current
As we start the year, keep these things in mind!
the respect you give is the respect you will receive.
what you put into your work will be reflected in how much you learn and how much you retain, if you truly try and put the effort in, the more likely you are to retain the information and learn it!
Always TRY- and try your best!
Everyone is valued, welcome, respected, encouraged and important in my room. It wouldn't be our classroom without you!
Enter and Exit prepared
Homework is to be done at home, not during other classes or homeroom.
Listen and follow directions
Be responsible- of your words, of your actions and of yourself
have fun and learn a lot
Remind is an APP for quick communication and announcements, I will be doing my best to use this as reminders or if updates need to be sent ASAP! Send a text to 81010, text the message @2425imm