3rd-5th Grade

3/22: This week we met a new friend that helped us learn about coding! Indi is a cute little robot that senses the color of the tile it drives over, and does different things like drive fast, drive slow, turn, and even do a spin! We had a blast playing with Indi this week!

2/16: This week we continued our Black Hisory Month Unit in STEM, looking at influential individuals in the world of technology. We learned about Melba Roy Mouton, Annie Easley, and Marc Regis Hannah, as well as all their accomplishments! 

Melba Roy Mouton was the leader of the "human computers" at NASA, so we learned about what it would be like if WE were human computers, and matched parts of a computer to parts of our body!

Annie Easley, also a member of the 'human computers" at NASA, showed us the importance of standing up for ourselves and being brave! We learned all about Annie and wrote a poem about her. 

Marc Regis Hannah is the reason we have cool effects in so many films we love, such as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Jurassic Park! We got to play around with animation ourselves, using Animate on ABCya! Try the activity out at home together and create something great!

After break, we are going to continue our Black History Month Unit and learn about influential engineers such as Mae Carol Jemison, Aprille Ericsson, and Samuel J Scott. 

2/8: This week kicked off our Black History Month Unit in STEM, where each class we will be learning about an influential and impactful person in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields! This week, we learned about Percy Julian, the first African-American Chemist, and Alexa Canady, the first African-American female to become a neurosurgeon. 

On Monday and Tuesday, we made a poster about Percy Julian and all his accomplishments. On Wednesday and Thursday, we looked at brains and tested our own! Try out our activities at home using the links below!

2/2: Happy Groundhog Day! This week we learned about the history of Groundhog Day, and built a structure to block Punxsutawney Phil's shadow for an early spring!  We had a fun two days watching the reveal of Phil's weather prediction and having some engineering fun!

1/26: This week, we did a really fun activity after reading the book "Not a Stick" by  Antoinette Portis. We used our imagination and came up with some great ideas!

1/12: We had a great week learning all about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr! We completed a writing activity, did a MLK Jr. virtual field trip, and were able to see Dr. King's dream coming true in our classroom!

1/5: This week, we learned all about igloos! We learned how they are built, where they are made, and what they are used for. Once we learned about their origin and the structure, we built our own igloos out of marshmallows and toothpicks! Here are some pictures from our building activity: