Ice cream sundae challenge!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for...ICE CREAM!!!

Students in grades 3-5 can earn an ice cream sundae for learning their multiplication facts from 0-12!

Students can complete the challenge at any point during the school year. We will host multiple Ice Cream Sundae Celebrations in the cafeteria throughout the year for students who complete the challenge. Check this page for additional resources and other activities you can use at home to help your student master their math facts!

Family letter for the Ice Cream Challenge

Ice Cream Challenge letter.pdf

Here is our Multiplication Strategy Bulletin Board!

These are the math strategies we are using!

Multiplication Fact Strategy Posters.pdf

Skip Counting Videos for Multiplication

skip counting songs

great strategy video!

Play some card games to practice your strategies!

Play Multiplication Salute!

Multiplication Salute-directions.pdf

Play Multiplication Top-It!