

Tsutakawa SE, Tsai CL, Yan C, Bralić A, Chazin WJ, Hamdan SM, Schärer OD, Ivanov I, Tainer JA (2020) Envisioning how the prototypic molecular machine TFIIH functions in transcription initiation and DNA repair. DNA Repair, doi: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2020.102972

Rageul J, Park J, Zeng PP, Lee EA, Yang JY, Hwang SY, Lo N, Westheimer A, Schärer OD, Yeo JE*, Kim HJ* (2020) SDE integrates into the TIMELESS-TIPIN Complex to Protect Stalled Replication Forks. Nature Communications, 11, 5495 .

Bezalel-Buch R, Cheun YK, Roy U, Schärer OD, Burgers P (2020) Bypass of DNA interstrand crosslinks by a Rev1-DNA Polymerase Z complex. Nucleic Acids Res, 48, 8461-8473

Son K, Schärer OD (2020) Repair, Removal, and Shutdown: It All Hinges on RNA Polymerase II Ubiquitylation Cell 180, 1039-1041

Jeong E, Lee SK, Kim HS, Yang J, Shin J, Kim J, Schärer OD, Kim Y, Yeo JE, Kim HM, Cho Y (2020) Structural basis of the Fanconi anemia-associated mutations within the FANCA and FANCG complex Nucleic Acids Res, 48, 3328-3342

Topolska-Woś AM, Sugitani N, Cordoba JJ, Le Meur KV, Le Meur RA, Kim HS, Yeo JE, Rosenberg D, Hammel M, Schärer OD, Chazin WJ (2020) Interaction with RPA orients XPA in NER complexes. Nucleic Acids Res, 48, 2173-2188

Raghunandan M, Yeo JE, Walter R, Saito K, Harvey AJ, Ittershagen S, Lee EA, Yan J, Hoatlin ME, Bielinsky AK, Hendrickson EA, Schärer O, Sobeck A (2020) Functional crosstalk between the Fanconi anemia and ATRX/DAXX histone chaperone pathways promotes replication fork recovery. Hum Mol Genet, 29, 1083-1095.


Na Young Cheon;Hyun-Suk Kim;Jung-Eun Yeo;Orlando D Schärer;Ja Yil Lee (2019) Single-molecule visualization reveals the damage search mechanism for the human NER protein XPC-RAD23B. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH.

Raghunandan M., Yeo J-E., Walter R., Lee E-A., Yang J-H., Saito K., Harvey A.J., Ittershagen S., Hoatlin M.E., Schärer O. D., Hendrickson E.A., Sobeck A., Functional crosstalk between the Fanconi anemia and ATRX/DAXX histone chaperone pathways promotes replication fork recovery. Hum Mol Genet.


Mu H, Geacintov NE, Broyde S, Yeo JE, Schärer OD (2018) Molecular Basis for Damage Recognition and Verification by XPC-RAD23B and TFIIH in Nucleotide Excision Repair. DNA Repair, 71, 33-42

Jin HS, Roy U, Lee G, Schärer OD, Cho Y (2018) Structural Mechanism of DNA Interstrand Cross-Link Unhooking by the Bacterial FAN1 Nuclease. J Biol Chem 293, 6482-6406.


Cheun Y, Schärer OD (2017) Studying DNA Repair Pathways Using Site-Specifically Modified Oligonucleotides (Invited Newsletter Review), Glen Rep 29.1, 6-9.

Kato N, Kawasoe Y, Williams H, Coates E, Roy U, Shi Y, Beese LS, Schärer OD, Yan H, Gottesman ME, Takahashi TS, Gautier J (2017) Sensing and Processing of DNA Interstrand Crosslinks by the Mismatch Repair Pathway. Cell Rep 5, 1375-1385

Thompson E, Yeo JE; Lee EA; Kan Y, Raghunandan M, Wiek C, Hanenberg H, Schärer, OD, Hendrickson EA, Sobeck A (2017) FANCI and FANCD2 have common as well as independent functions during the cellular replication stress response. Nucleic Acids Res, 45, 11837-11857

Schärer, O.D. (2017) ERCC1-XPF endonuclease – positioned to cut (News and Views Article). EMBO J, 36, 1993-1995

Castaño A, Roy U, Schärer OD (2017) Preparation of Stable Nitrogen Mustard DNA Inter Strand Crosslink Analogs for Biochemical and Cell Biological Studies. Methods Enzymol, 591, 415-431

Beagan K, Armstrong RL, Witsell A, Roy U, Renedo N, Baker AE, Schärer OD, and McVey M (2017) Drosophila DNA Polymerase Theta Utilizes both Helicase-Like and Polymerase Domains during Microhomology-Mediated End Joining and Interstrand Crosslink Repair. PLoS Genetics, 13, e1006813

Woodrick JA, Gupta S, Camacho S, Parvathaneni S, Choudhury S, Cheema A, Bai Y, Khatakar P, Erzikan HV, Sami, F, Su Y, Schärer OD, Sharma S, Roy R (2017) A new sub-pathway of long-patch base excision repair involving 5' gap formation. EMBO J, 36, 1605-1622.

Pande P, Ji S, Mukherjee S, Schärer OD, Tretyakova NY, Basu AK (2017) Mutagenicity of a model DNA-peptide crosslink in human cells: Roles of translesion synthesis polymerases. Chem Res Tox, 30, 669-677.


Wickramaratne S, Ji S, Mukherjee S, Su Y, Pence MG, Lior-Hoffmann L, Fu I, Broyde S, Guengerich FP, Distefano M, Schärer OD, Sham YY, Tretyakova N (2016) Bypass of DNA-Protein Cross-links Conjugated to the 7-Deazaguanine Position of DNA by Translesion Synthesis Polymerases. J Biol Chem 291, 23589-23603.

Roy U, Schärer OD (2016) Involvement of translesion synthesis polymerases in DNA interstrand crosslink repair (invited review). DNA Repair, 44, 33-41.

Roy U, Mukherjee S, Sharma A, Frank EG, Schärer OD (2016) The structure and duplex context of DNA interstrand crosslinks affects DNA polymerase η activity. Nucleic Acids Res 15, 7281-7291.


Pizzolato J, Mukherjee S, Schärer OD, Jiricny J (2015) FANCD2-associated nuclease 1, but not exonuclease 1 or flap endonuclease 1, is able to unhook DNA interstrand cross-links in vitro. J Biol Chem 290, 22602-22611.


Mukherjee S, Guainazzi A, Schärer OD (2014) Synthesis of structurally diverse DNA interstrand crosslinks using postsynthetic reductive amination. Nucleic Acids Res 42, 7429-7435.

Hodskinson MR, Silhan J, Crossan GP, Garaycoechea JI, Mukherjee S, Schärer OD, Patel KJ (2014) Mouse Slx4 is a tumour suppressor that stimulates the activity of the nuclease Xpf-Ercc1 in DNA crosslink repair. Mol Cell 54, 472-484.

Guillemette S, Branagan A, Peng M, Dhruva A, Schärer OD, Cantor SB (2014) FANCJ localization by mismatch repair is vital to maintain genomic integrity after UV irradiation. Cancer Res 74, 932-944.


Schärer OD (2013) Nucleotide Excision Repair in Eukaryotes. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 5, a012609.

Clauson C, Schärer OD, Niedernhofer LJ (2013) DNA Interstrand Crosslink Repair. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 5, a012732.

Wickramaratne S, Mukherjee S, Villalta P, Schärer OD, Tretyakova N (2013) Synthesis of Site-specific DNA-Protein Crosslinks that Mimic N7-Guanine Lesions via a Reductive Amination Strategy. Bioconj Chem 24, 1496-1506.

Bogliolo M, Schuster B, Stoepker C, Derkunt SB, Su Y, Raams A, Trujillo JP, Minguillón J, Ramírez MJ, Pujol R, Casado JA, Baños R, Rio P, Knies K, Zúñiga S, Benítez J, Bueren JA, Jaspers NGJ, Schärer OD, Winter JP, Schindler D, Surrallés J (2013) Mutations in ERCC2, encoding the DNA repair endonuclease XPF, cause Fanconi anemia. Am J Hum Genet 92, 800-806.

Slean MM, Reddy K, Wu B, Edamura KN, Kekis M, Nelissen FH, Aspers RL, Tessari M, Schärer OD, Wijmenga SS, Pearson CE (2013) Interconverting Conformations of Slipped-DNA Junctions Formed by Trinucleotide Repeats Affect Repair Outcome. Biochemistry 52, 773-785.


Yeo J-E, Khoo A, Fagbemi AF, Schärer OD (2012) The efficiencies of damage recognition and excision correlate with duplex destabilization induced by acetylaminofluorene adducts in human nucleotide excision repair. Chem Res Tox 25, 2462-2468.

Knipscheer P. Räschle M, Schärer OD, Walter JC (2012) Replication-coupled DNA interstrand crosslink repair in Xenopus egg extracts. Methods Mol Biol 920, 221-243.

Enoiu M, Ho TV, Long DT, Walter JC, Schärer OD (2012) Construction of plasmids containing site-specific DNA interstrand crosslinks for biochemical and cell biological studies. Methods Mol Biol 920, 203-219.

Enoiu M, Jiricny J, Schärer OD (2012) Repair of cisplatin-induced DNA interstrand crosslinks by a replication-independent pathway involving transcription-coupled repair and translesion polymerases. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 8953-8964.

Schärer OD (2012) Alkylguanine transferase-like proteins: brokers dealing with alkylated DNA bases (Preview), Mol Cell 47, 3-4.

Su Y, Orelli B, Madireddy A, Niedernhofer LJ, Schärer OD (2012) Multiple domains of ERCC1-XPF contribute to DNA binding in nucleotide excision repair J Biol Chem 287, 21846-21855.

Hentschel S, Alzeer J, Angelov T, Schärer OD, Luedtke NW (2012) Synthesis of DNA interstrand crosslinks using a photocaged nucleobase. Angew Chem 51, 3466-3469.

Sidorenko V, Yeo JE, Bonala R, Johnson F, Schärer OD*, Grollman AP* (2012) Resistance to global-genome nucleotide excision repair explains the high mutagenicity and persistence of aristolactam-DNA adducts. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 2494-2505. *Co-corresponding authors


Fu YV, Yardimci H, Long DT, Ho TV, Guainazzi A, Bermudez VP, Hurwitz J, van Oijen A, Schärer OD, Walter JC (2011) Selective bypass of a lagging strand roadblock by the eukaryotic replicative DNA helicase. Cell 146, 931-941.

Schärer OD (2011) Multistep damage recognition, pathway coordination and connections to transcription, damage signaling, chromatin structure, cancer and aging: Current perspectives on the nucleotide excision repair pathway (Editorial). DNA Repair 10, 667.

Fagbemi AF, Orelli B, Schärer OD (2011) Regulation of the endonuclease activities of ERCC1-XPF and XPG in nucleotide excision repair (Invited Review). DNA Repair 10, 722-729.

Ho TV, Guainazzi A, Derkunt SB, Enoiu M, Schärer OD (2011) Structure-dependent translesion synthesis of major groove DNA interstrand crosslinks. Nucleic Acids Res 39, 7455-7464.


Guainazzi A, Schärer OD (2010) Using synthetic compounds to study DNA interstrand crosslink repair (Invited review). Cell Mol Life Sci 67, 3683-3697.

Guainazzi A, Campbell AJ, Angelov T, Simmerling C, Schärer OD (2010) Synthesis and molecular modeling of a nitrogen mustard DNA interstrand crosslink. Chem Eur J 16, 12100-12103.

Schärer OD, Campbell AJ (2010) Mechanisms of Nucleotide and Base Excision Repair, in The Chemical Biology of DNA Damage (Geacintov N, Broyde S Eds), Wiley-VCH Verlag GMBH & Co, Weinheim, pp. 239-260.

Ho TV, Schärer OD (2010) Translesion synthesis in the repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks (Invited Review for special issue – DNA interstrand crosslink repair). Environ Mol Mutagen 51, 552-566. (Illustration featured on front cover)

Ahmad A, Enzlin JH, Wijgers N, Raams A, Appledoorn E, Theil AE, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Vermeulen V, Jaspers NGJ, Schärer OD*, Niedernhofer LJ* (2010) Aberrant sub-cellular localization of DNA repair protein XPF: the molecular basis for extracutaneous symptoms in xeroderma pigmentosum. PLoS Genet 6, e1000871. *Co-corresponding authors

Orelli B, McClendon BT, Tsodikov, OV, Ellenberger T, Niedernhofer LJ, Schärer OD (2010) The XPA-binding domain of ERCC1 is required for nucleotide excision repair but not other DNA repair pathways. J Biol Chem 285, 3705-3712.


Knipscheer P, Räschle M, Smorgorzewska A, Enoiu M, Ho TV, Schärer OD, Elledge SJ, Walter JC (2009) The Fanconi anemia pathway promotes replication-dependent DNA interstrand crosslink repair. Science 326, 1698-1691. (Highlighted in: Moldovan GL, D’Andrea AD (2009) FancD2 Hurdles the DNA Interstrand Crosslink. Cell 139, 1222-1224)

Schärer OD (2009) Structure-specific endonucleases in DNA repair. (Invited review for special issue – Swiss Chemists in the USA) Chimia 63, 753-757.

Staresincic L, Fagbemi AF, Enzlin JH, Gourdin AM, Wijgers N, Dunand-Sauthier I, Giglia-Mari G, Clarkson SG, Vermeulen W, Schärer OD (2009) Coordination of dual incision and repair synthesis in human nucleotide excision repair. EMBO J 28, 1111-1120.

Schärer OD, Campbell AJ (2009) Wedging out DNA damage (News & Views article). Nat Struct Mol Biol 16, 102-104.

Angelov T, Guainazzi A, Schärer OD (2009) Generation of DNA interstrand crosslinks by postsynthetic reductive amination. Org Lett 11, 611-614.


Räschle M, Knipsheer P, Enoiu M, Angelov T, Sun J, Griffith JD, Ellenberger T, Schärer OD, Walter JC (2008) Mechanism of replication-coupled DNA interstrand cross-link repair. Cell 134, 969-980.

Krasikova YS, Rechkunova NI, Maltseva EA, Petruseva IO, Silnikov VN, Zatsepin TS, Oretskaya TS, Schärer OD, Lavrik OI (2008) Interaction of Nucleotide Excision Repair Factors XPC-HR23B, XPA, and RPA with Damaged DNA. Biochemistry (Moscow) 73, 886-896.

Schärer OD (2008) XPG: its product and biological roles. Adv Exp Med Biol 637, 82-93.

Maltseva EA, Rechkunova NI, Petruseva IO, Vermeulen W, Schärer OD, Lavrik, OI (2008) Crosslinking of NER proteins with DNA containing photoreactive damages, Bioorg Chem 36, 77-84.

Schärer OD (2008) Molecular basis for different disease states caused by mutations in TFIIH and XPG (Hot topics in DNA repair article), DNA Repair 7, 339-344.

Schärer, OD (2008) A molecular basis for damage recognition in eukaryotic nucleotide excision repair (Highlight) ChemBioChem, 9, 21-23.


Schärer OD (2007) Achieving broad substrate specificity in damage recognition by binding exposed non-damaged DNA (Preview), Mol Cell 28, 184-186.

Tsodikov OV, Ivanov D, Orelli B, Staresincic L, Shoshani I, Schärer OD, Wagner G, Ellenberger T (2007) Structural Basis for the Recruitment of ERCC1-XPF to Nucleotide Excision Repair Complexes by XPA. EMBO J 26, 4768-477. (Highlighted in: Croteau DL, Peng Y, Van Houten B. (2008) DNA repair gets physical: mapping an XPA-binding site on ERCC1, DNA Repair, 7, 819-826)

Hohl M, Dunand-Sauthier I, Staresincic L, Jacquier-Gubler P, Thorel F, Clarkson SG, Schärer OD (2007) Domain swapping between FEN-1 and XPG identifies regions in XPG that mediate NER activity and substrate specificity. Nucleic Acids Res 35, 3053-3063.

Maltseva E, Rechkunova N, Gillet LCJ, Petruseva I, Schärer OD; Olga I. Lavrik OI (2007) Crosslinking of the NER damage recognition proteins XPC-HR23B, XPA and RPA to photoreactive probes that mimic DNA damages. Biochem Biophys Acta 1770, 781-789.


Alzeer J, Schärer OD (2006) A modified thymine residue for the synthesis of site-specific DNA interstrand crosslinks. Nucleic Acids Res 34, 4458-4466.

Igoucheva O, Alexeev V, Schärer OD, Yoon K (2006) Involvement of ERCC1/XPF and XPG in Oligodeoxynucleotide-Directed Gene Modification, Oligonucleotides 16, 94-104.

Gillet LCJ, Schärer OD (2006) Molecular mechanisms underlying mammalian nucleotide excision repair (Invited Review). Chem Rev 106, 253-276.


Tsodikov OV, Enzlin, JH, Schärer, OD, Ellenberger T (2005) Crystal structure and DNA binding functions of ERCC1, a subunit of the DNA structure-specific endonuclease XPF-ERCC1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102, 11236-11241 (Highlighted in: Bunick CG, Chazin WJ (2005) Two blades of the [ex]scissor, Structure, 13, 1740-1741)

Gillet LCJ, Alzeer J, Schärer OD (2005) Site-specific incorporation of N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-acetylaminofluorene (dG-AAF) into oligonucleotides using modified “ultra-mild” DNA synthesis. Nucl Acids Res 33, 1961-1969.

Schärer OD (2005) DNA Interstand Crosslinks: Natural and drug-induced DNA adducts that induce unique cellular responses (Review). ChemBioChem 6, 27-32.

Schärer OD and Schultz C (2005) Closing the Gap between Chemistry and Biology (Editorial). ChemBioChem 6, 1-3.

Dunand-Sauthier I, Hohl M, Thorel F, Jaquier-Gubler P, Clarkson SG, Schärer OD (2005) The spacer region in XPG mediates recruitment to nucleotide excision repair complexes and determines substrate specificity. J Biol Chem 280, 7030-7037.


Tapias A, Auriol J, Forget D, Enzlin JH, Schärer OD, Coin F, Coulombe B, Egly JM (2004) Ordered conformational changes in damaged DNA induced by nucleotide excision repair factors. J Biol Chem 279, 19074-19083.


Schärer OD (2003) Chemistry and biology of mammalian DNA repair (Invited Review). Angew Chem Int Edit 42, 2946-2974.

Hohl M, Thorel F, Clarkson SG, Schärer OD (2003) Defining the structural determinants of XPG binding to ss/dsDNA junctions. J Biol Chem 278, 19500-19508.


Gillet LCJ, Schärer OD (2002) Preparation of C8-Amine and Acetylamine Adducts of 2’-Deoxyguanosine Suitably Protected for DNA Synthesis. Org Lett 4, 4205-4208.

Godthelp BC, Wiegant WW, van Duijn-Goedhart A, Schärer OD, van Buul PPW, Kanaar R, Zdzienicka MZ (2002) Mammalian Rad51C contributes to DNA cross-link resistance, sister chromatid cohesion and genomic stability. Nucleic Acids Res 30, 2172-2182.

Enzlin JH, Schärer OD (2002) Identification of the active site of the nucleotide excision repair endonuclease XPF-ERCC1 reveals a highly conserved nuclease motif. EMBO J 21, 2045-2053.


Schärer OD (2001) Chemical Biology of Mammalian DNA Repair (Invited Review). Chimia 55, 340-344.

Schärer OD, Jiricny J (2001): Recent Progress in the Biology, Chemistry and Structural Biology of DNA glycosylases (Invited Review). Bioessays 23, 270-282.

Pre 2000: PhD and Postdoc

Barrett TE, Schärer OD, Savva R, Brown T, Jiricny J, Verdine GL, Pearl LH (1999) Crystal Structure of a Thwarted Mismatch Glycosylase DNA Repair Complex. EMBO J 18, 6599-6609.

Bennink ML, Schärer OD, Kanaar R, Sokata-Sogawa K, Schins JM, Kanger JS, de Grooth B, Greve J (1999) Single molecule manipulation of double-stranded DNA using optical tweezers: interaction studies of DNA with RecA and YOYO-1. Cytometry 36, 200-208.

Lau A, Schärer OD, Samson L, Verdine GL, Ellenberger T (1998) Crystal Structure of a Human Alkylbase-DNA Repair Enzyme Complexed to DNA: Mechansims for Nucleotide Flipping and Base Excision. Cell 95, 249-258.

Erzberger JP, Barsky D, Schärer OD, Colvin ME, Wilson III DM (1998) Elements in abasic site recognition by the major human and Escherichia coli apurinic/apyrimidinic endonucleases. Nucleic Acids Res 26, 2771-2778.

Schärer OD, Nash HM, Jiricny J, Laval J, Verdine GL (1998) Specific binding of a designed pyrrolidine abasic site analog to multiple DNA glycosylases. J Biol Chem 273 8592-8597.

Schärer OD, Deng L, Verdine GL (1997) Chemical approaches toward understanding base excision DNA repair enzymes (Invited Review). Curr Opin Chem Biol 1, 526-531.

McCullough AK, Dobson KL, Schärer OD, Lloyd RS (1997) The Role of Base Flipping in Damage Recognition by T4 Endonuclease V. J Biol Chem 272, 27210-27217.

Deng L, Schärer OD, Verdine GL (1997) Unusually Strong Binding of a Designed Transition-State Analog to a Base-Excision DNA Repair Protein. J Am Chem Soc 119, 7865-7866.

Schärer OD, Kawate T, Gallinari P, Jiricny J, Verdine GL (1997) Investigation of the Mechanisms of DNA Binding of the Human G/T Glycosylase using Designed Inhibitors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94, 4878-4883.

McCullough AK, Schärer OD, Verdine GL, Lloyd RS (1996) Structural Determinants for Specific Recognition by T4 Endonuclease V. J Biol Chem 271, 32147-32152.

Nash HM, Bruner SD, Schärer OD, Kawate TK, Addona TA, Spooner E, Lane WS, Verdine GL (1996) Cloning of a yeast 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase reveals the existence of a base-excision DNA repair protein superfamily. Curr Biol 6, 968-980.

Labahn J, Schärer OD, Long A, Ezaz-Nikpay K, Verdine GL, Ellenberger T (1996) Structural Basis for the Excision Repair of Alkylation-Damaged DNA. Cell 86, 321-329.

Schärer OD, Verdine GL (1995) A Designed Inhibitor of Base-Excision DNA Repair. J Am Chem Soc 117, 10781-10782.

Schärer OD, Ortholand JY, Ganesan A, Ezaz-Nikpay K, Verdine GL (1995) Specific Binding of the DNA Repair Enzyme AlkA to a Pyrrolidine-based Inhibitor. J Am Chem Soc 117, 6623-6624.