This is an exciting time to be studying Environmental Science! The subject looks at a wide range of human activities affecting the Earth, and gives potential solutions to these. Environmental Science builds on skills and knowledge gained from GCSE Science as well as aspects of Geography and Social Sciences. 

Completing the following tasks will help you start the course feeling confident with the GCSE knowledge required to be successful. You will be able to research some of the issues impacting the planet, which we will learn about in more detail on the A Level / IB courses.

Task 1

Consolidate your GCSE knowledge and prepare for A Level by completing the tasks on Seneca learning. You may have already used Seneca Learning during your GCSEs. If you already have an account, you can join the class with the code: nm562ehpa7

Otherwise, follow the instructions below (the QR code is the easiest way to join!)

There are 4 assignments across Geography and the Sciences all with mini quizzes, so do as many as you can!

Task 2

Select one of the topics below and use the internet to complete some research.

1. Deep sea mining for rare earth metals

2. Mining for lithium in the Atacama Desert

3. Oil extraction in the Niger Delta

4. Overexploitation of the Ganges River

5. Palm oil production in Malaysia

6. Gold mining in Democratic Republic of the Congo

7. Mountain top removal in the USA

8. Deforestation of ancient forests in Poland

Use your research to produce a digital report that provides a summary of the issue.

The report should include:

• The reason for the issue (the human need that has caused it)

• How the issue impacts on human populations

• How the issue impacts on biodiversity

• Potential solutions to solve the problems associated with the issue

Provide a full web address for any websites you used to find your information (copy them from the web address bar on your browser and paste them at the end of your report).

Your digital report should be in the form of:

• A short PowerPoint presentation or a Word document written account (around 500 words) – although try to also include some pictures!

Any other form of digital presentation is also fine depending on the tools you have available.

Task 3

If you have access to Netflix, watch the documentary “A Life on Our Planet”.

Make notes on:

• The ways in which the planet has changed over 100 years

• The main causes for these changes

• The impact on biodiversity

• The worst that could happen if we make no changes

• The things we can do to prevent this damage to our planet

These notes should be produced digitally in a format that you can easily show me!