GREEN Charter Guidance and Counseling Services

Thank you for visiting our new Guidance and Counseling Services site. Please make use of this great collection of resources for students of all ages.

Below are resources suited for all ages, or click on the tabs across the top to access resources by grade level group.

Comprehensive School Counseling Program

The school counseling program at GREEN Charter works alongside parents, teachers, and other school staff to ensure students' social and emotional needs are met. We use a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) so students can receive a level of support that meets their needs, whether in the classroom or in one-on-one sessions with Ms. Hamby. We ask all students to complete our Social-Emotional Survey as a screening tool to identify students who may benefit from additional support beyond the classroom. The CASEL SEL framework serves as our model for establishing goals and implementing interventions for our students.

Services are delivered through the following methods:

School-wide events such as Peace Day, Unity Month, Mix-It-Up-at-Lunch Day, and MLK Day of Service

Daily morning messages that focus on our word of the month and how students create our school culture

Positive Behavioral Supports and Interventions including Word of the Month Awards, OWL Cash, the OWL Cart, and Honor Roll

Clubs and small-groups such as Caring Conversations

Classroom guidance/counseling lessons

One-on-one sessions

The school counseling program at GREEN strives to create an equitable learning environment in which students feel loved and supported by all of their GREEN family.

Social Emotional Learning with Second Step

GREEN uses Second Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum. It is an evidence-based program developed by the Committee for Children. Students enjoy the songs, brain builders, and posters that reinforce the classroom lessons. View the Scope and Sequence to see what your students will learn.

Meet Ms. Hamby

Ms. Hamby is honored to have made history as the first school counselor at GREEN Charter! She has been at the school since 2015, and she looks forward to seeing your child learn and grow to graduation and beyond. She loves the Mission of GREEN Charter School and appreciates the opportunity to serve such a diverse student population. Her work with students is an outpouring of her passion for peace, kindness, and equity.

Ms. Hamby grew up in East Tennessee and completed both a Master of Science in Sociology (2005) and a Bachelor of Science in Sociology from Middle Tennessee State University. She is also a certified adoptions investigator and has worked with the Department of Social Services as well as Greenville Technical College. She has served children of all ages as well as young (and not-so-young) adults. She has been active in community social justice efforts and is familiar with a variety of community resources. She hopes to provide a safe and comfortable space, ensuring all children feel welcome here at GREEN.

Intro Video


Students may be identified for additional services in the following ways:

Social-Emotional Survey

Teacher/Admin Concerns

Parent Concerns

If you would like Ms. Hamby to meet with your child, please provide the following information in an email to Ms. Hamby:

Child’s name

Child’s homeroom teacher

Detailed description of concern

Interventions parent has tried

Relevant social or health history

Names of people child lives with or interacts with daily

Any other information that might be helpful

Your name and your relationship to the child

Please note that Ms. Hamby is not a licensed mental health counselor, and services provided in the school setting should not replace supervision from or a therapeutic relationship with a licensed mental health professional.

Visit Ms. Hamby's Virtual Counseling Office