There are many opportunities to volunteer with the PTA that fit a variety of schedules. Review the committees below, and sign up to volunteer through our online form.
Croc Mile
The Croc Mile is a fundraiser that takes place near the beginning of the school year. This is our largest fundraiser of the year. By signing up you are showing interest in helping with any of the following tasks: obtaining donations from local vendors, assisting with set up and/or tear down of the event, assist with warm ups, corral classes and maintain order, etc.
Yearbook is a committee that works all year round. By signing up you are showing interest in any of the following: uploading candids from the photo link, distributing yearbooks in May/June, helping with class and/or individual and/or club photos with Strawbridge, editing pages, assisting with the 5th grade yearbook club, etc.
Book Fair
The book fair takes place every February. This is arguably the school's favorite fundraiser. By signing up you are showing interest in helping with set up and/or tear down of the book fair, assisting the chairs with replenishment of orders, volunteering with preview days and/or purchase days, cashier help, etc. You are not obligated to be available for everything.
Croc Shop/Spiritwear
The Croc Shop will be open every Tuesday from 8:00am to 8:30am and Spirit Wear will hold 3 orders per year. By signing up you are showing interest in helping with any of the following: working the Croc Shop on Tuesday mornings, help distribute spirit wear orders, help sell leftover spirit wear at events such as Kindergarten Orientation, etc.
Cultural Arts
Cultural Arts operates year round. They organize cultural arts assemblies and the Global Festival held in the spring. Volunteers assist with set up/tear down of events, selling tickets, assisting with vendors, advertising, etc.
Croc Crew/Beautification Committee (outdoor landscaping/tidying)
The beautification committee focuses on maintaining the outward appearance of our school grounds. This includes but is not limited to cleaning up trash, power raking the turf twice a month, spreading mulch, etc. Work typically occurs on weekends.
Audit Committee
The audit committee's purpose is to review the financial transactions of the PTA. Ideally this committee will meet once a month and audit the previous month's transactions. The Treasurer will provide all documents and also attend each meeting. Meetings may be held off campus.
Silent Auction
The silent auction takes place every spring in conjunction with the Global Festival. By signing up you are showing interest in helping the silent auction chair obtain donations for goods and services to be auctioned off. The process of obtaining these items and services will span over several months while the Auction itself will be held online for just a few weeks to a month. You may also be asked to help organize pick up for those that have won.
Spirit Night
Spirit Nights are fundraisers where local businesses donate a percentage of their sales during a set time / day. Volunteers assist the Chair with advertising for the event, soliciting vendors for spirit nights, confirming dates/times and growing these fundraisers.
School Improvement Team
The purpose of school improvement is to improve achievement and outcomes for every student by working to eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity. We do this by collaboratively and continuously analyzing data and making decisions considering the unique needs of the learning community and the district's strategic plan. Parent representatives are needed to collaborate with the school staff and administration. Parent volunteers will be voted on during the 1st General PTA Meeting.