
Show what you know!

If you've done something you're proud of, we want to see it!

Send a picture or a link to your work to so we can share it here. It can be a lego sculpture, a drawing, a piece of writing - anything you like. (We won't post your last name online.)

Check out these creative bird cages by Mrs. Millar's class!

Scroll through these Vision Boards for 2021! Beautiful work by Mrs. Varela's Class!

Scroll through these Video Game Characters designed by Mr. Carron's class!

Scroll through these pictures of Instagram-worthy pancakes by the chefs in Mr. Carron's class!

Beautiful French Artwork!

Amazing Sonic Artistic Recreation by Deklan in Mrs. Newburn's class!

Out of This World Star Wars Art by Mr. de Groot's Class!

Magnificent Mythical Art by Mrs. Coons' Class!

Check out these amazing bird's nests from Mr. Beaton/Mrs. Watkin's and Ms. Hebbard/Mrs. Gerrior/Mrs. Spillaine's Classes!

What amazing engineers we have in Kindergarten!

Q; Why do birds fly south in the winter?

A: Because it's too far to walk!

Legendary Warrior Pokemon Zacian with an Intrepid Sword by Neo!

Tess in Mrs. Packard's class has been doing some delicious looking baking!

Looks amazing Tessa!

Awesome Pikachu Lego from Neo!

Q: How do you get Pikachu to get on the bus?

A: You just Pokem-on!

Interesting and practical experiment from a student in Mrs. Packard's class!

Beautiful Upcycled art by Shia!

Cool Lego build from Jayden A!

Mrs. Coons and Mrs. Packard challenged their classes to make something out of recycled materials for Earth Day! Awesome job!

Words of encouragement from students in Mrs. Packard's class!

An important message from a grade four student in Mrs. Vautour's class!

Check out this great writing by Jaxson in Mrs. Cumming's Class!

Superhero Art by Gracelyn in Mrs. Cummings Class!

Scroll through this gallery of incredible artwork by Natalia in grade 3!

Impressive Lego built by Jacob in grade 4

Scroll through this gallery of Amazing Easter Nest Creations from Mrs. Dickie's Class!