Things we learn in Kindergarten...

*Turn on a computer and login

*Use pointing device such as a mouse to manipulate shapes, icons; click on urls, radio buttons, check boxes

use scroll bar

*Use desktop icons, windows and menus to open applications and documents

*Keyboarding · Use proper posture and ergonomics ·

*Locate and use letter and numbers keys with left and right hand placement. · Locate and use correct finger, hand for space bar, return/enter and shift key · Gain proficiency and speed in touch typing

*Use a word processing application to write, edit, print and save simple assignments

*Watch online videos and use play, pause, rewind and forward buttons while taking notes

*Explain and demonstrate compliance with classroom, school rules (Acceptable Use Policy) regarding responsible use of computers and networks

*Explain responsible uses of technology and digital information; describe possible consequences of inappropriate use

*Identify cyberbullying and describe strategies to deal with such a situation

*Use age appropriate technologies to locate, collect, organize content from media collection for specific purposes, citing sources

*Evaluate teacher‐selected or self‐selected Internet resources in terms of their usefulness for research