General Info


The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) provides information on courses that are available for study in NSW. The information in this document is derived from NESA. For further information, please visit:

The Stage 5 course consists of:


These subjects must be studied in Years 9 and 10:


These courses are elected by the students.  Students choose two electives to study in addition to their core subjects.  

Please note that:  

Electives that are offered in a face-to-face format are according to the dominant interests of each cohort of students. At Summerland Christian College, we work carefully to provide learning pathways that suit each student. Where an elective cannot be offered, communication will take place between the student and their parent to find an appropriate alternative subject. 

For any subject that does not have sufficient numbers to run, Distance Education options are also available.  

Changing Electives

In some circumstances students may decide to change electives early in Year 9.

The cut-off date for change of Electives is the End of Week 5, Term 1.



The Record of School Achievement (RoSA) is a credential for all students to recognise school achievement before receiving their Higher School Certificate (HSC).  Students have their results recorded on the RoSA for subjects they complete in Stage 5 (Year 9 and 10), up until the time they leave school or sit their HSC.

Rich Task Program

Application process required

Students may apply to undertake further studies within an area of interest or passion across Lines 1 or 2 throughout Years 9 and 10. 

This provides students with additional time (up to 4 lessons per week) to explore and develop their skills across a number of subject areas. It is designed to provide opportunity for students to connect their learning and develop students'  specific areas of interest or passion. The Rich Task Program is available by application in Semester Two. 

Within the Rich Task Learning Program, students will be supported to develop a personal program of study and assessment within their selected fields. This would suit a student with an established interest in the subject area, who is eager to ‘fast-track’ their learning and expand the amount of time available to pursue this area