State Contest Info

Parents of Individual Speech Students:

Thank you for encouraging your child to participate in speech contest.  This  activity is a wonderful opportunity for our students to improve their communication skills.  To make your day and your child’s day go smoothly, please read the information below:

1.  The contest is Saturday, March 9 at Kuemper High School in Carroll. It is an all day event.

2.  The contest is open to the public with a $3 admission charge for spectators. Please use the Clark Street Main Entrance to the building. 

3.  The times are approximate, so just in case the performance center is running ahead, make sure you show up early, at least 30 minutes to one hour in advance. (Arriving 15 minutes in advance should suffice this year.)

4.  The Iowa High School Speech Association does not allow any flash photography or videotaping during the performances. If you want to record a performance, contact   to get permission from state. 

5.  School identity in the performance center is supposed to be anonymous, so please do not wear school apparel.

6.  If your child is going to ride home with you or another parent, we need a note that specifically states with whom he or she is riding home. There will be a sign-out sheet at the team camp and Ms. Smith will have one with her as well. Your child may not drive to or from the contest and may not ride to or from the contest with another minor.  These requirements are in accordance with school policy. Please stay and watch your teammates perform if possible. 

7.  Please help us to make sure your child arrives on time this Saturday morning. The suburban will be in the back teacher parking lot by the football field. Departure time: