Past Meetings 21-22


Title: Lambert W Functions

Abstract: We will introduce the Lambert W Function and its uses in solving algebraic equations that would otherwise be unsolvable.

9/17/21: Introduction and Golf Ball Activity

Introduction Slides

An introduction to the club and a math activity with thousands of golf balls

10/1/21: GEM Seminar by Professor John Lesieutre

Title: Finding integer solutions to polynomial equations

Abstract: You might have heard that there is a formula that generates all Pythagorean triples, i.e. solutions to x^2 + y^2 = z^2: for any a and b, you can use x = a^2 - b^2, y = 2ab, and z = a^2 + b^2. I will explain where this formula comes from and some ways that it can be generalized. I will also explain some limitations of the method: for some equations, finding the integer solutions is difficult or impossible!

10/22/21: Practice ARML Meeting

ARML 2011 Power Round

11/5/21: ARML Fall Power Round Competition

12/3/21: Problem Solving Session

Problems Document

1/21/22: 24 Tournament

2/11/22: ARML Practice Round

2013 Power Round

3/18/22: Spring ARML Power Round

4/22/22: GEM Seminar by Dr. Jack Huizenga

Topic: Pythagorean triples and rational curves

Abstract: Triples of integers which are the sides of a right triangle are called Pythagorean triples. These are integer solutions to the equation x^2 + y^2 = z^2 in the Pythagorean Theorem. For example, (3,4,5) and (5,12,13) are Pythagorean triples that you have probably seen before. But so is (23,264,265). How can we find this one? In fact, there are infinitely many Pythagorean triples, and we will discover how to find them all! This problem is closely related to the problem of finding points (x,y) with rational coordinates which lie on the unit circle x^2 + y^2 = 1, and we will see how to find all of these rational points.

4/29/22: Student-Led Lecture by Quiana Guo and Sarah Huang

Abstract: Come join us this Friday in the B2 open classroom for an hour of Sudoku puzzles! We'll be exploring the history behind Sudoku puzzles, how to play Sudoku, and how these puzzles are made. There will be a competition at the end to see who can finish a puzzle first, but with a twist! Prizes will be awarded to the top three partner teams :)

4/29/22: Student-Led Lecture by Quiana Guo and Sarah Huang

Abstract: Come join us this Friday in the B2 open classroom for an hour of Sudoku puzzles! We'll be exploring the history behind Sudoku puzzles, how to play Sudoku, and how these puzzles are made. There will be a competition at the end to see who can finish a puzzle first, but with a twist! Prizes will be awarded to the top three partner teams :)