Greenacres Parent FAQ Resources

Question #1

"Why can't I get into my Zoom meeting?" or

"Why is Zoom asking me for a password?" or

"Why is Zoom saying meeting is for "Register users"?"

Question #2

"Why has my Specials' Seesaw Code "expired"?"


Answer #1

You must be sure you have logged into Zoom BEFORE you click on the Teacher's Zoom link.

Scarsdale's Zoom meetings will never require you to enter a password. If you receive an error message that says you need a password, it most likely means you need to close the window you are in and click or tap on the Zoom App. Follow each step in the slide show and then, click on your teacher's Zoom link.

Answer #2

IF YOU STILL NEED TO JOIN YOUR SPECIALS SEESAW CLASSES look for updated codes coming soon on your homeroom teacher's Seesaw page.

If you are already in your Seesaw class, ignore the new codes!

For security purposes, Seesaw codes always expire after 7 days.

Join Zoom from an iPad.

iPad Log in to Zoom, then Seesaw

Join Zoom from a Chromebook

Zoom - on a Chromebook

Here is the complete, in depth Zoom tutorial including logging in to Seesaw, Chromebook, People feature and more.

Zoom - Students Joining a Meeting