Digital Resources

Wentworth Databases

Engaging and informative videos and additional resources
Engaging and informative videos geared for students in grades K-3.
Science and Social Studies ebooks with related content.
Tons of information about all life science topics - videos, images, read-to-me text available.
Tons of information about all earth and space topics - videos, images, read-to-me text available.
Tons of information about all physical science topics - videos, images, read-to-me text available.
Biographies, Social Studies Science, and Geography topics.
Social studies eBooks with related content.
Statistical and cultural information about countries all over the world.
Statistical, geographical, and cultural information about all 50 states.
Geared for upper elementary students. Find articles, videos, and photographs on almost every topic! There is a read-to-me feature as well.
Geared for middle school students. Find articles, photos, and videos on just about every topic you can think of! There is a read-to-me feature as well.
Click here for a Gale in Context tutorial.
Full-text, age-appropriate, curriculum-related magazine, newspaper and reference content.

National Geographic Kids includes all magazines from 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos, and images.

Other good digital resources

What do you want to find out? DK FindOut is a safe place online to see, learn, and explore almost everything. is a web search engine and online encyclopedia emphasizing safety for young children. It is powered by Google Custom Search and employs SafeSearch, with additional filters.

Teacher resources

Enchanted Learning is a database of over 15,000 pages covering many subjects from science and social studies to math, art, and music, aimed at younger elementary students.
TeachingBooks is a portal to thousands of multimedia resources that can enhance and enliven your read alouds and author studies. See your librarian for the username and password.