Scalawag Toasts

Here's to us

Who's like us?

There's very, very few

And they're all bloody dead!!

Kirt Thomson, in the highlands of Scotland after too much tequila.

Here's to it

Because we all do it

And if you don't do it

You should be lead to it

Tied to it

Made to do it

And if you still won't do it

I'll do it

Because I'm used to it

And I love it!!

Leslie Tucker / Fisher

Oh dear little Flo

how I love you so

especially in your nighty

when the moonlight flits

across your tits

oh Jesus Christ Almighty!!

Dudley Moore

Here’s to you and here’s to me

best of friends we’ll always be

but if you should ever cross me

then fuck you and here’s to me.

Conditional Friends

Friendship's the wine of life.

Let's drink of it and to it.


She offered me her honor

And I honored her offer,

And all night long

I was on her and off her.

An Anonymous Irish-Italian San Franciscan,

Wine comes in at the mouth

and love comes in at the eye;

That's all we shall know for truth

Before we grow old and die.

I lift the glass to my mouth,

I look at you, and I sigh.

William Butler Yeats

Here’s to the pretty girls that went to our heads

here’s to the witty girls that went to our beds

here’s to them, and here’s to you.

From Les Mis

Here’s to it

and for it

and to it again.

And if you ever get to it

and do not do it,

May you never get to it

to do it


A girl named Alison from Australia.

To the spirit of the holiday season,

May peace on earth and goodwill toward men,

never be as hard to come by as a fine sipping whiskey.

Holiday Spirit (Jack Daniels)

Here’s to Eve, the mother of our race,

who had her fig leaves all in the right place,

and here’s to Adam, the father of us all,

who was in the right place when the leaves did fall.

Creation (author unknown)

One drink is good

Two at the most

Three under the table

Four under the host!

Hostess with the mostess

Here’s to our guests.

Don’t let them rest.

Keep their elbows bending.

Tis time to drink!

Full time to think

Tomorrow when your mending.

Tomorrow (author unknown)

Here's to a long life and a merry one.

A quick death and an easy one.

A pretty girl and an honest one.

A cold beer....and another one.

CJ Glynn

Here’s to our wives

and here’s to our lovers,

May they mever meet!

Mischievous Men

May you live as long as you want,

And never want as long as you live.

Traditional Irish Toast

An Irishman is never drunk as long as

He can hold onto one blade of grass and not

Fall off the face of the earth.

Ron O'Rourke, who has definitely kissed the Blarney Stone!!

May the road rise to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

And rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Traditional Irish Toast

Here’s to you and yours

And to mine and ours.

And if mine and ours

Ever come across to you and yours,

I hope you and yours will do

As much for mine and ours

As mine and ours have done

For you and yours!

Tongue Twister

May you live all the days of your life.

Jonathan Swift

There are good ships, and there are wood ships,

The ships that sail the sea.

But the best ships, are friendships,

And may they always be.


The wind that blows,

the ship that goes,

and the lass that loves a sailor!


Friends may come and friends may go,

Friends may sail away you know,

Though friends will stick through thick and thin,

Sail on out and sail back in.......

(Chin chin!!)

Sailing Friends

(Susi and Tracy from Hawaii,

s/v TuTuTango,

Yacht Club Kipukanoa,

3800 feet above sea level)

Here’s to a sweetheart, a bottle, and a friend.

The first beautiful, the second full, the last ever faithful.


Here's to the four hinges of Friendship-

Swearing, Lying, Stealing, and Drinking.

When you swear, swear by your country;

When you lie, lie for a pretty woman;

When you steal, steal away from bad company;

And when you drink, drink with me.


Here’s to health and prosperity,

To you and all your posterity.

And them that doesn’t drink with sincerity,

That they may be damned for all eternity!


'Twas an evening in November,

As I very well remember.

I was strolling down the street in drunken pride,

But my knees were all aflutter,

So I landed in the gutter,

And a pig came up a lay down by my side.

Yes, I lay there in the gutter

Thinking thoughts I could not utter,

When a colleen passing by did softly say,

"You can tell a man that boozes

By the company he chooses."

At that the pig got up and walked away!

"The Irish Pig"

When we drink, we get drunk.

When we get drunk, we fall asleep.

When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.

When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.

So, let’s all get drunk, and go to heaven!

Old Irish Toast

On the chest of a barmaid in Sale

Were tattooed the prices of ale.

And on her behind,

For the sake of the blind,

Was the same information in Braille!

Sight Impaired Toast

Here's champagne to your real friends

And real pain to your sham friends!


I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.

Winston Churchill

Life, alas,

Is very dear.

Up with the glass,

Down with the beer!

Louis Untermeyer

Who loves not women, wine, and song,

Remains a fool his whole life long.

Johann Heinrich Voss

May all your ups and downs be between the sheets.

You marry not one person, but three:

The person you think they are,

The person they really are,

And the person they become

as a result of being married to you.

There are three rings of marriage:

The engagement ring,

The wedding ring,

And the "suffer-ing".

Down the hatch, to a striking match!!

Toasts offered to Sarge Kennedy and Deb Smith on their wedding.