Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher: Mrs. Wheeler

By: Ava Brighton

I appreciate Mrs. Wheeler because she cares so much about her students. On top of all of her teacher responsibilities she is the Sand Creek FFA advisor. She never fails to push the FFA members to do their best and help them achieve their goals. So I give thanks to Mrs. Wheeler for all of her hard work and dedication to bring agriculture to our school. 

Teacher: Mrs. Vontroba

By: Kynsie Dull

 I appreciate Mrs.Vontroba because she's so kind. Mrs.Vontroba always makes my day. She is always so sweet and willing to listen. She is definitely my favorite teacher. She is also always dressed so cutesy. 

Teacher: Mr. Benge

By: Noah Elliot

I appreciate Mr. Benge for all of the times that I am walking through the hallway and whether I am having a good day or a bad one, he says good morning and asks me how I am doing and something just as small as that lightens me up just a little bit more.  I think that more of the teachers should start normalizing this because I feel that it isn’t used too much around the school.  He always has a spark in him that no one can relate to and that is what makes him special and I appreciate him for that.  It is going to be sad to leave this place and not have that encouragement everyday and sad because after this year none of the younger students will be able to experience that after his retirement. 

Teacher: Ms. Clark

By: Lexi Gelineau

Mrs. Clark brings creativity and fun to the classroom. Mrs. Clark allows all her students to express themselves in their own personal way. Mrs. Clark also gives a kind listening ear even if it is not about school she will listen and give advice and support. 

Teacher: Mr. Rorick

By: Braedon Hall

I appreciate Mr. Rorick because he is a really cool teacher and I think this is my first year having him.  The class that I have him in now is 1080 Racing. In his class he takes us to work on our RC Cars and when we think that we have them all and ready to go we can take them outside to test them. I think that Mr. Rorick is also a cool teacher because he always checks in on our groups to see how our group is coming along and to see if we are doing things right. 

Teacher: Mr. Oberheim

By: Caleb Johnson

I appreciate him because his class feels like a breathe of fresh air, I can let loose a bit, do my work and just kinda chill with my friends. Its not too serious but the assignments are taken seriously. Mr. O is a laid back guy without much issue at all. I find myself looking forward to that class often during the day because I just love the atmosphere that Mr. O has created in that room. 

Teacher: Mrs. Goodson

By: Elizabeth Justice

Dear Mrs. Goodson, I am grateful for the countless lessons you've taught me, both in and out of the classroom. Thank you for your guidance and support. You are the kind of teacher that every student dreams of having. We appreciate everything you've done for all students. Thank you, Mrs. Goodson, for being simply amazing. 

Teacher: Mr. Frasle

By: Hayden Keech

I appreciate Mr. Frasle because even though his classes can be difficult he finds a way to work with the students to help them better understand the assignments. He makes his classes fun by doing more hands on activities. Mr. Frasle is also a very trusting part of the staff. I have been able to express myself freely and talk about personal things that I have going on. He is a very expressive person who does not care what others think of him and will remind you that it is a good thing to be yourself and not care about what others think of you. My favorite class with Mr. Frasle is Biomedical Science. The class is treated like a family and it is very open in the room. We have gone on fun trips, done some cool activities, and gotten through large assignments as a group. 

Teacher: Mr. Zyla

By: Haylee Long

I appreciate Mr. Zyla because he is a really good teacher and makes sure his students understand what we’re doing in his class. He also doesn’t favorite any students, he treats everyone equally. Mr. Zyla also helped me a lot when I was going through a tough time and gave me the extra time I needed on homework. He really enjoys talking to his students about sports and cooperating it into his teaching. I love when he talks about his dogs and the different things he does outside of school. I also appreciate him because he allows our class to listen to music or sit in the hallway while we are working. Mr. Zyla is a great teacher and friend to everyone. 

Teacher: Mr. Townsend

By: Ryan Meszaros

I appreciate Mr. Townsend because he is my hero. He is such a good teacher that I managed to learn middle English with my eyes closed. That is one of the continuous reasons that Mr. Townsend is the GOAT. I do not know what I would do without Mr. Townsend teaching me with his unmatched knowledge of English. This is why Mr. Townsend is my favorite teacher. He is so cool and does an amazing job with helping students in need. I believe we all can say as students that Mr. Townsend is a true teaching entrepreneur who single handedly revolutionized the education system. His youthfulness allows him to relate to his students without disestablishing himself as the head of the classroom due to his astounding degree of patience and maturity. If you want to be the best at something you need the right teacher, If you want to be the best at English you need Mr. Townsend. Thank you Mr. Townsend for giving us hope, you’re the man. 

Teacher: Mrs. Sheu

By: Brooklyn Middleton

I appreciate Mrs. Scheu because of how she helps all the students and has made her class something that everyone looks forward to because it is fun and involving. Mrs. Scheu has made reading, writing, and learning something that many students look forward to doing. Mrs. Scheu has always been a teacher that many students can count on for help, assistance, and comfort. Mrs. Scheu is someone who can be depended on because of how well organized she is and how she helps her students and her co-workers, along with helping out the school with the Yearbook, school events, and the newspaper. 

Teacher: Mrs. Molliey

By: Emma R. Pifer

For teacher appreciation week I choose Mrs. Molliey. Mrs. Molliey started teaching at Sand Creek High School last year. She is a very good teacher and is very understanding. She's very civil and isn't just a teacher, she is a friend as well. She's always there when you need her or just someone to talk to in general. I appreciate Mrs. Molliey because even though I dont have her this year, I had her last year and for her first time here she was a great teacher, she put up with the class she had even when it got a little chaotic. Like I said, even though dont have her this year, she still talks to me in the hallways or just whenever I see her in general. She doesn't favorite any of her students either, everyones equal in her class and I think that that's an important thing to do as a teacher. 

Teacher: Ms. Sauers

By: Ramzey Poe

I appreciate Ms Sauers because whenever I go into her class it's much calmer in there and the vibes are 100% better. I also had her as a teacher in 9th grade for art and that was my favorite class that year. The projects she comes up with are very fun to do and she doesn’t make you feel rushed while doing it. I like her AC class because we don’t have to do any work there and we can work on whatever. 

Teacher: Mrs. Root

By: Joseline Wilson

I appreciate Mrs. Root because when I am walking to my class in the morning she is always their to tell me good morning and wave. Whenever I am working with my 6th graders and I have question about helping them she is always their to help and she is happy to help. Everyday she comes to school she has a smile on her face which brightens up a room and makes you happy for your day. She is nice and she makes the hallways, classroom and the whole school a happy place to be. 

Teacher: Mr. Disbrow

By: Adrina Woodward

I appreciate Mr. Disbrow because he always asks about peoples' day and checks in on people. His dad jokes make people's day and always bring a smile to my face. I always appreciate his helping hand in the classroom. He is a supportive and encouraging teacher. I have always hated math class, but Mr. Disbrow has a class environment that makes my most hated subject enjoyable. He is so girly pop!!!

Teacher: Mrs. Wilkinson 

By: Gavin Eisenhardt

Dear Mrs. Wilkinson

Greetings! I hope that this letter finds you in good health. Im writing to you today to thank you for all of the work that you give to Sand Creek Schools and in particular me. 

When I got to you’re classes I thought it would have been an easy A, and just something I could use for a credit to graduate. However, I realized that it would take a lot more than what I thought it would. I am very grateful to have had you’re class as it has opened the door for great opportunities for me! 

You’re commitment to community service has helped me to even find great job opportunities, as it has led me to being able to apply for a job as a youth service librarian due to my work there. I also have honors credits I can use on a resume thanks to you’re honest efforts.

Another thing you do for the school is run the Sand Creek chapter of the National Honors Society, which is a lot of hard work! And even if I’m not in the honors society, I know how much hard work goes into running the program and I think everyone at Sand Creek is grateful for it!

Once again, thank you for everything you have done for the school, I sincerely hope you have a great summer and hope next year is even better than this year was to you.

Thank you so much!