A Mountain in Me

Poets often write about life, the world, and themselves in interesting ways. 

The poets below wrote about their identities, who they are,  by describing parts of themselves in a unique way. Poets can play with language like this! These poets wrote about themselves, their inner worlds, as if those things actually live inside of them. Of course, as you read these poems we know that the poet does not actually have a rock or a key inside of them. Instead, they use language in this way as they explore their identities and the things that make them who they are. 

Read the poems below, then see if you can write your own poem!

Untitled Poem.pdf
A Mountain In Me.pdf

Prompts to write your own poem

Think about things you feel drawn to or connect with:  plants, land forms, tools, animals, weather, things around the house, instruments, songs, foods, etc.

Consider the ways that these things are a part of you. Describe them as if they are inside you! What do they look like? Do? Imagine? Feel? Want? Need?

Try this to get started: 

I have a ______________ in me

That ________

That ________ and _________