6th Grade

Welcome to Room Thirteen

I am so excited for another year at Cleveland School!

However, It feels strange not being able to walk into a new classroom together this fall. Ideally, I would love for all of us to get to know our room and each other like we normally would. Nevertheless, my heart and mind are both still racing with joy and excitement to kick off another school year... remotely.

I am so grateful to be able to teach another year at Cleveland and I am equally excited to be teaching a new grade. I can't wait to get to know each and every one of you and show you how much fun learning can be.

Although school may look and sound and feel differently than in the past, I want you all to know that some things have not changed:

I hear you, I see you, and I value what you have to say

About Mr. Guron...

I love to teach as much as I love to learn. I am a life-long learner. I may be the luckiest educator in the of world to be a teacher at Cleveland Elementary School.

Although, the people at Cleveland are considered family to me, I have a family of my own. I have an amazing wife, Rebecca and 4 beautiful children. Brooks (15yrs), Benny (10yrs), Vivi (6) and Felix (2). We have a dog named Beans, a cat named Dreamer, and bearded dragon named Derek Fisher.

I am an 805 native, born and raised in Goleta. However, we moved to Portland, Oregon for personal and professional growth for 7 years. I've been in education in a variety of capacities since 2006. With a credential I've taught 3rd grade in Portland, 1 yr of Special Education in Goleta, 2 yrs of 2nd grade at Cleveland and teaching 6th grade this year.

I love skateboarding. I love the Lakers and Kobe. I love sunny beach days and hiking cloudy days. I love history. I'm an advocate for social justice. I love barbecuing. I love gardening with my kids. I love ice skating. I love car and motorcycle restoration. My favorite author is Brené Brown. I love teaching and learning.