Psychology Research

APA citations

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Class Projects > Social Studies > Psychology Research and APA Citations

Where to begin?

Research is a puzzle

The inquiry process can help give you some direction as you explore the resources shared below and develop your project.

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Tips for database searching

1) Use Keywords - Basic words necessary to express your topic/idea

2) Boolean search indicators (AND, OR, NOT) can help widen or narrow your search

AND - combines keywords

OR - alternative wording

NOT - search for specific keywords, eliminating alternative wording

3) Add truncation as needed

(   )     Use parentheses to create groups of words linked together with OR 

* Use an asterisk (sometimes called a “wildcard”) to search a word that can end multiple ways  

“ “   Use quotation marks to search for a phrase (the words must appear in the article exactly as they appear in quotes) 

web sources

Not Getting the Results You Wanted?

Too few results?

too many results?

results not relevant?

Mrs. M demonstrates how to use the My Bib extension.

APA citations

According to a retired editor at the University Center for Writing-based Learning (2015), "84% of errors in APA are because of incorrect in-text citations!" 

What is APA style? - APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences.

OWL Purdue APA guide

OWL Purdue APA In-Text Citation guide

Mrs. M's APA Universal Citation Guide

What should my Works Cited list look like?

Mrs. H's Reference Page Sample (APA)

Add the My Bib Extension to Google Chrome as an APA citation starter.

When in doubt, check OWL APA Citation Guide for how to cite Electronic Resources.

*Retired UCWbLing Editor. (2015, June 3). Top Five Mistakes of APA Style. UCWbLing.