Atomic Bomb Research

Research Databases

Click on database icon to visit each resource.

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ABC-Clio: American History - The creation of the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project is outlined here, along with a variety of primary sources that include letters, photographs, and videos.  

Look along the left hand side of the page for the additional materials or click on the live links in the text for additional resources.

Infobase: Modern World History - A search for atomic bomb will provide a nice collection of results to search through.  At the top of the page the research can choose between articles, primary sources, images, videos, timelines, and news articles.

Gale American History In Context - Curates a wide variety of primary and secondary sources on the atomic bomb.  

Proquest: The New York Times - News reporting from World War II is a primary source.  Remember, narrow your search to include only the dates you are interested in.  For example, narrow to the days immediately after the bomb was dropped to gauge the reasoning and the reaction of American leaders.