Hines Primary Sources: Bystanders to the Holocaust


ABC-Clio: American History 

To locate primary sources, choose a time period, select a primary source document from the choices on the left navigation panel.

Infobase: Modern World History

All primary sources can be filtered by time period.

Proquest: The New York Times

News reporting from World War II is a primary source. Remember to narrow your search to include the dates you are interested in.

Credible Websites with Primary Sources that feature Bystander Accounts

Bystanders from the United States Holocaust Museum

This resource provides a good description for identifying a bystander which, as noted here, is not always easy to do.

In the Some Were Neighbors Exhibition, the Museum includes bystander testimony.  

Other primary accounts are more complicated.  

Additional Digital Archives that can assist you in searching for primary sources that connect to bystanders

Yad Vashem includes a variety of primary source databases

Voices of the Holocaust from the British Museum

JDC Archives can be searched by object, recording, or text.  Click on more information about the collection to browse samples.

Newspapers Unfolded - How much did the average American know about the Holocaust?

Calvin College: German Propaganda Archive A broad collection of Nazi propaganda material with english translations.

German History in Documents and Images (GHDI) Primary documents, images, and maps are presented with a brief explanation to provide context. English translations are provided.

Alpha History: Nazi German Documents This collection, created by educators in Australia, offers translations of excerpts of Nazi speeches, documents, and propaganda.