Global Studies 

Citations and Research

Can you spot the error in the following citation for the article above?

“Youth Embody ‘Spirit’ of 21st Century More than Parents, New Survey Shows.” UN News, 18 Nov. 2021, Accessed 19 Nov. 2021.

MLA Citation and Writing Help

in-text citations

In-text citation guide from OWL Purdue

The SBHS In-text Citation Guide offers a refresher on MLA and in-text citation.

This image was created by Cheryl Coyle of CPCC Library.

Mrs. M demonstrates how to use the My Bib extension.

Add the My Bib Extension to Google Chrome as an MLA helper. 


When in doubt, check OWL MLA Citation Guide for how to cite Electronic Resources.

SBHS Library databases

Click here to access the library's databases

Database passwords 

**CountryWatch does not provide citations, but they are very easy to cite. Click here for format info.

Feel free to review the slides from the lesson for extra help.