Carlisi Strikes!

Begin your research with the ABC-Clio: American History Database.

See a librarian for username and password.

ABC-Clio eBook - Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations, and Rebellions in American History.

Use the table of contents (sorted by date) to find your strike.

If your strike is not listed in the database, try one of the following credible sites:

Great Southwest Railroad Strike, 1866

Texas State Historical Society - Great Southwest Railroad Strike

Bay View Tragedy, 1866

Wisconsin Labor History Society - Bay View Tragedy (see history)

Haymarket Square Riot

Illinois Labor History - Haymarket Square Incident

Homestead Strike, 1892

American Experience - Homestead Strike

Pullman Strike, 1893-1894

Swarthmore - Pullman Strike

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, 1911

Cornell University - Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

American Experience - Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

Lawrence Textile Strike, 1912

Harvard Library - Lawrence Textile Strike

Ludlow Massacre, 1914

United Mine Workers of American - Ludlow Massacre

The Great Steel Strike, 1919

September 22, 1919: The Great Steel Strike of 1919