Space for Survivors Case Resources

This page was created for the Race, Class and Gender elective.  The cases listed, while shocking, are curated here to allow students to examine the prosecution of such cases and to discuss practical steps that the South Brunswick High School community can take to better support survivors of sexual assault.  

8/11/12 - Ma’lik Richmond and Trent Mays - Steubenville, OH (HS football players raped an unconscious 16 year old. The attack was filmed and posted on social media.)

12/2/14 - Tristen Killman-Hadin - Norman High School, Norman, OK (raped an unconscious 16 year old)

1/15 - 1 unidentified juvenile - Raymore-Peculiar HS, Kansas City, MO (raped a 15 year old student in school)

10/22/13 - Philip Chism - Danvers High School, Danvers, MA (14 year old student raped and killed a teacher in the bathroom after school)

3/19/14 - Jabrill Scruggs - Laurence Central HS, Indianapolis, IN (attack on 17 year old student in school)

12/8/12 - James Bishop, Vincent Curto, Tyler Garren, and Justin Ponder - East Henderson High School, Henderson, NC (rape of the same girl at a party)