American Government Life in the South after Reconstruction

Locate the question that your group will answer below. Use the linked resources to find information about your topic.

What is a Poll Tax?

Poll Tax from the Library of Congress

Poll Tax from Grolier (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

What is the Jim Crow Era?

Jim Crow Laws from Grolier (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

Jim Crow Laws from ABC-Clio (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

What is the Grandfather Clause?

Grandfather Clause from

Grandfather Clause from Facts on File (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

Grandfather Clause from Grolier (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

What was lynching?

Lynching from Facts on File (user name - sbrunswick password- ask the librarian)

Lynchingfrom Grolier (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

Lynching from The Washington Post (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

What is the KKK?

KKK from Facts on File (user name - sbrunswick password- ask the librarian)

KKK from Grolier (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

What are black codes?

Black codes from Facts on File (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

Black codes from Gale US History (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

What is a literacy test?

Literacy tests from Grolier (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)

Literacy tests from Facts on File (user name - sbrunswick password - ask the librarian)