Nutrition Resources

A nutrition search in the Infobase database reveals many articles, videos, and data on food, nutrition, and health.  

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To learn more about nutrition online, try the following articles:

"Teens, Your Brain's Need Real Food." from US News and World Reports

"Proper Nutrition for Teens" from the American Institute of Stress

"Game Day Nutrition Tips for Young Athletes" from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

"Teach Your Teen About Nutrition Fact Panels" from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

"5 Reasons Your Teen Needs Breakfast" from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

"Nutrition for Young Women" from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

"How Athletes Can Build Muscle with Protein" from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 

Sponsored by the Harvard School of Public Health, The Nutrition Source, features an interesting selection of cutting-edge articles on nutrition topics.  Scroll down to read articles organized by topic.