Trippe Literary Criticism

Gale Databases

Gale Literature Resource Center User name - sbrunswick Password - see a librarian

Examine the Content Types to narrow your search.When searching by author's last name, be sure to check the Related Searches for the correct author.

Gale Contemporary Authors User name - sbrunswick Password - see a librarian

In the simple search, type the author's name. In the results of your search, under Content Types, limit your results to Literary Criticism.

EbscoHost Databases

Literary Reference Center - Username - sbrunswick. See a librarian for the password.

Try the author and title to focus your search. To search within a pdf, download the pdf and use control + F to get a search box.


Jstor is a college-level database. Search strategies must be carefully considered to achieve a successful result. See the librarians for access.


Literature and Its Times

This reference work analyzes novels by considering historical context. Check the list of included novels to see if your title is on the list.