Science Fiction Synthesis Essays

Not sure where to begin?  Remember, research is a fun puzzle.  The inquiry process can help give you some direction as you explore the resources shared below and develop you paper.

Consider your approach

Deep Dive?

Choose a particular work of the genre to focus on. It can be a book or book series, a film or film franchise, or even a television series.

Complete a deep-dive, in-depth analysis of how political and social ideas are explored in the work(s).

Big Picture?

As society and its morals change and evolve, should we demand, or expect, that our literature grow with it? 

Why do politics belong (or not) in Science Fiction and Fantasy?

credible online sources

How do I evaluate the sources that I find online?

The sources provided below are credible.

To determine if an article is credible, a researcher should consider:

When in doubt, use the credibility checklist to evaluate the article.

"A Harvard Professor explains what the Marvel Universe can teach us about Philosophy" - In an interview with Wired Magazine, Chris Robichaud, Senior Lecturer in Ethics and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government examines the Marvel Universe's connection to the study of philosophy.


Proquest - Using the power of The New York Times, investigate your topic.

Looking for a credible place to learn more about Science Fiction?  Try Infobase Pop Culture Universe - A simple search for the "Marvel Universe" or Science Fiction may provide some good starting points for your thinking.

Jstor is a college-level database.  It is best to use this database once you have a firm idea of the type of articles that you need for your topic.  Search strategies must be carefully considered to achieve a successful result. 

Username - sbhs
Password - check the password list

Here is an example of one approach to Jstor success.

Consider your keywords.  

Add or change keywords as needed to reach the information that best supports your approach.

mla Citation Help

Watch my video on how to use the My Bib extension.

Add the My Bib Extension to Google Chrome as an MLA helper.

When in doubt, check OWL MLA Citation Guide for how to cite Electronic Resources.

The SBHS In-text Citation Guide offers a refresher on MLA and in-text citation.

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