Barter Puritan Webquest

1) Go to and read the article “the Puritan Family.”Being part of a Puritan family was different in many ways from what we think of as family life today. USING YOUR OWN WORDS describe two examples of ways in which life as a Puritan was different than life in 21stcentury America. Please take your examples from two different paragraphs in the article.

2.) Use this link, __ __ItemID=WE52&iPin=NAS0964&SingleRecord=True to get to the article “Puritan attitudes regarding sport.”

How did the Puritans feel about gaming and sports? Explain how this idea is based on Puritan values.

3.) Read the article People and Ideas: The Puritans from PBS Frontline’s God in America series

What caused the Puritans to live in a constant state of anxiety?