Barter Life on the Homefront in World War II

Databases that cover World War II

Infobase: American History

Under World War II and the Forties: 1939-1949, look for Civilian Life, Military Life, and Civilians at Work for connected content.

Gale: US History in Context

Topics covered include World War II (From this page, search within the results to get more specific information on recruitment and the homefront. Letters can be found under primary sources.) Prep Schools also appear in this resource.

Proquest Historical Newspapers

Full-text coverage of the NY Times throughout World War II. Search by date or topic to locate connected content.

Web Resources that cover World War II

On the Homefront: American during the World War I and World War II

This Library of Congress activity presents a variety of archival resources including a category titled Patriotic Support.

Your Number's Up, American in World War II Magazine

This article explains how the draft worked and why it was implemented in World War II.

Take a Closer Look at the Draft, The National World War II Museum

Offers a brief explanation of the use of the draft in World War II along with primary source photographs of draft cards and other connected materials.

Take a Closer Look at Recruitment Posters, The National World War II Museum

Features a brief explanation of how young men were recruited to enlist in World War II. Primary sources feature a collection of pro-enlisting posters.

The US Homefront during World War II

Official Government Telegraphs on Soldiers

Western Union Missing in Action

Western Union Wounded in Action

Western Union Prisoner of War

Newspaper Headlines

New York World Telegram Headline

New York Times Headline

San Antonio Express Headline