Barter First Amendment Synthesis Essay

New York Times - The Learning Network - This site presents a variety of articles detailing recent contemporary issues related to first amendment rights.

Proquest - Using the power of The New York Times, investigate your topic.

Gale Opposing Viewpoints - Includes a comprehensive list of news articles related to first amendment topics .

Freedom of speech issues on college campuses

Wisconsin Public Radio - Who decides who should speak? Provides an overview of freedom of speech on college campus including links to recent issues that challenged campus rules.

FIRE - Campus Rights, What we defend A non-profit organized around the defense of freedom of speech on college campuses.

NY Times - University of Chicago strikes back against campus political correctness Outlined the university's policy against trigger warnings and limiting speech to that deemed politically correct.

Freedom of speech issues in social media

Freedom Forum Institute - Free expression of social media -Created in partnership with the Newseum, this site page provides links to a variety to types of online speech including the spread of misinformation (fake news) and hate speech.  

American Bar Association - Free speech or censorship? Social media litigation is a hot legal battleground - This article from the ABA Journal provides insight into the legal issues of limiting freedom of speech on social media and considers recent decisions by the Supreme Court on these issues.

NY Times - Op-Ed - Free speech is killing us - This opinion piece by author Andrew Marantz considers if allowing free speech is damaging American society.

Freedom of the Press

US Press Freedom Tracker - Gathers information on attacks against the media from a variety of free press resources.

Columbia Journalism Review - Condemned by Trump, local attacks hit reporters hard - Presents the experiences of political reporters who attempt to cover pro-Trump rallies and other events.

The Atlantic - Student Journalism in the age of media distrust - Instead of driving students from journalism, recent attacks on the press are increasing the interest of college students in this field of study.

Freedom of the Protest

ACLU - Rights of Protestors - The rights provided to protestors under the Constitution are explained and discussed.

NPR - Giving Schools - And Students- the tools they need to fight to save the planet - Recent protests by high school students on climate change have emptied NYC public school classrooms.

Washington Post - How far can protestors go before the government steps in? - Explains the limits of the freedom to protest looking specifically at when and where protests should be allowed.

Freedom of the Religion

USA Today - Religious liberty battle still ranges over gay marriage - Describes a recent case involving a wedding cake designer who refused to work for gay couples and has taken his case to the Supreme Court.

Family Research Council - Can pastors and churches be forced to perform same-sex marriages? - Conservative council dissects the laws and regulations that impact the clergy and same-sex marriage ceremonies.