Carmel Creek PTO


The mission of Carmel Creek School's PTO is to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement; enhance the educational experience by supporting academic and enrichment activities; and improve the environment at Carmel Creek by providing volunteer and financial support. 

Culture & Heritage Spotlight


Our newest display at Carmel Creek is Japan! The heritage team of volunteers have put together another spectacular display to showcase a large population of Carmel Creek families. The display of tapestries, books, garments, innovations and history represent the traditions of Japanese heritage.

The volunteers placed coloring sheets related to Japanese culture next to the display for students to color and learn.

The next cultural displays will be: Russia, Ukraine and Mexico. 

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The Carmel Creek PTO is so happy to have you join our community.

Carmel Creek PTO President

Liz Kubiak has been Carmel Creek School's PTO President since the 2022 school year.

Parent to a second grader in the 2023/2024 school year, Liz brings her passion and energy to the PTO, focusing on supporting our amazing staff and engaging the community.

Carmel Creek Principal

Mr. John Galipault was appointed Principal for Carmel Creek School in May 2023, taking over the role from Ms. Angela Tremble, to whom he had been Assistant Principal for two years.

Prior to becoming an Assistant Principal three years ago, Mr. Galipault spent thirteen years as a science teacher opening young minds to inquiry.

He is a fan-favorite amongst our kids and staff!